For those of you who can’t stand reading about what the bloggers Libby and Roberta are doing, stop reading now. The rest of you, continue below to read our fabulous exploits soon to come.
May 19, 2008
Honorary Doctorates of Fine Arts at Moore College of Art and Design
Can you believe this? We’re going to have a real opportunity to give a real kiss to Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, the guest speaker at Moore College of Art and Design graduation! Here’s a picture of him.
Mayor Michael Nutter, who we’ve been kissing in cyber space, will be close enough for a real smooch at Moore’s graduation.
We will be getting honorary Doctorates of Fine Arts and speaking second on the bill after hizzoner. We’re a little shocked by all this. But we’ll accept it with pleasure. Just call us Doc from now on. JK
May 31, 2008
South Philly Biennial Honored Guests and Speakers
Here we’re being feted for collaborating in an event — the South Philly Biennial — that celebrates collaboration. It sounds like it’s going to be fun actually with bands like Sweatheart and other performers and live karaoke! This will be in the Italian Market and we’ll be speaking briefly at 2 pm.
June 6
ID at Projects Gallery

We curated a show, ID, of emerging artists for Projects Gallery that opens June 6 and runs through July. We’re very excited and think everyone in the show is great — of course! There will be lots of video and photography, some chocolate cake sculpture, a fish controlled by a plant and many more wonders…Hope to see you at the First Friday opening which includes a performance by one of the artists.
June 18
Summer Solstice Benefit for Philagrafika
This is really something new for us. We’ll be MC-ing the Summer Solstice Benefit for Philagrafika at Bahdee Bahdu‘s new location near the Crane in Kensington at 1522 N. American St. Got any good jokes anyone? We’re going to follow in the steps of Craig Ferguson and wing it–maybe in costume, who knows. JK