Friday, Dec. 5
Brave New World of Lady Comic Book heroes!
Miss Lasko-Gross, Cheese Steak of the Damned…Cheese Steak of Enlightenment
Creators of Fishtown, Black Cherry Bombshells and Escape from Special will be signing their comics — perfect holiday gifts if you ask us — at Brave New World, a boutique comic shop on North 2nd St in Old City. Who’s who: KEVIN COLDEN (Fishtown) and MISS LASKO-GROSS (Escape From Special) along w/ JOHNNY ZITO and TONY TROV (Black Cherry Bombshells).
Kevin Colden, panel from Fishtown, a comic book
We haven’t read these comics but we fell in love with some of the online pictures and definitely like the story ideas — lady superheroes or lady protagonists and anything set in Fishtown is special!
Brave New Worlds
Reception 6 pm to 8 pm
45 N. 2nd Street
Space 1026 Art Auction Preview
Here’s a preliminary list of contributors–samples will be on the walls. (We’re also donating a painting.) The online bidding part of the auction will begin on Friday. The real auction is a week later, Dec. 12.
See the full details and confirmed submissions.
Confirmed Submissions
Joseph Hart
Ryan Wallace
Michelle Blade
Matt Leines
Alex Lukas
Brielle Duym
Outlaw Print Company
Print Liberation
Fabric Horse
Trevor Reese
Bill McRight
Free News Projects
Mark Price
Jason Hsu
Caleb Neelon
Sheppard Fairey
William Buzzell
Alex Da Corte
Space 1026
1026 Arch St. 2nd floor
6-9 pm
FUEL Grand Small Works Show
A mega-humongous show of 1,000 small works includes two of our former students, Lauren Whearty and Alan Prazniak. We think they’re both terrific! A portion of the proceeds benefs FUEL the CURE for leukemia and lymphoma research.
FUEL Collection
7:00 – 9:00pm
corner of 3rd and Arch
The Analog Stupa at Padlock Gallery
Bonnie Brenda Scott and Michael Gerkovich, Analog Stupa at Padlock
Husband and wife team of Bonnie Brenda Scott and Michael Gerkovich join for a collaborative show. We’re unclear what an analog stupa is but we like the show’s image. The opening is definitely the easiest time to go to Padlock — otherwise you need to make an appointment by contacting the artists.
Thursday, Dec. 11
You Open So Late, You Close So Early at Fleisher/Ollman

F-O’s sixth new talent show is the first under the new regime of Amy Adams, former Vox Populi executive eirector, now F-O’s director. We must reveal if you haven’t noticed already the inclusion of 3 Vox Pop members who we think are great — Josh Rickards, Nick Paparone and Charles Hobbs — in the show. We’re very excited to see Nick Lenker and Shawn Thornton in this list. See Libby’s 2006 interview with Shawn. And we can’t wait to see what the Dufala Brothers bring on. But best of all there’s a bunch of new names: David Clayton, Jeremy Drummond, Alex Lukas, C. Pazia Manella, Mark Stockton.
Should be a great show.