
Globalization’s voice–Call Cutta in a Box

We were in New York Saturday visiting MoMA and listening to Robert Storr lecture at the Met about abstract art (more on all that in another post). Cate, who joined us, mentioned a video she’d seen on the NY Times website that described a trans-global performance piece, a sort of internet and phone-facilitated penpal idea where two people connect by phone between New York and Calcutta, chat for an hour and (possibly) become friends. The video explains it all and shows clips from people participating both in New York and in India. Tickets to participate cost $15 and are available here. The show runs to Feb. 28.

UrbanEye: Theater Over the Phone
Published: 09
Melena Ryzik reports on “Call Cutta In A Box,” an experimental theater piece at the Goethe-Institut.
