A group of paintings by Alex Paik, taken in his studio
Another small gallery is opening in Philadelphia just in time for March First Friday. It’s a group effort by still another great group of artists and in a great location.
The gallery, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, is upstairs from Vox Populi, on the 4th floor of what has become known as the Vox building. (That little neon sign in the window, and the ferment of Vox has marked its spot, I guess).

The group includes Alex Paik (my informant), Phillip Adams, Tim Gierschick, Alexis Granwell, Nathan Pankratz and Caroline Santa, and they will be the artists for the opening show. But the gallery also plans to reach out and host a number of invitational exhibits.
Three in this group have a University of Pennsylvania MFA connection, but not all of them, and I’m thrilled to see a new name in the midst of this group of artists whose work we have admired and covered here on the blog. The energy and networking seems to be coming from so many directions at once (I’m thinking about the recent collectivization of Little Berlin (see newsy post here), which began with the Tyler network, but has consistently been reaching out to the University of the Arts and everywhere else, looking for the best and the brightest).