I don’t guess the Steven and Billy Blaise Dufala need as much of a spiel to sell their work, now that they’ve won the West Prize. It’s about time! When I stopped by their show Trophy at Fleisher/Ollman Friday, there were lots of red dots scattered through the list of works.

F-O’s Claire Iltis credited the internet and the Armory Fair for some of the sales, including one of the sold prints of the stretch sneaker (the spiral version), Special Air Mission 28000 , and Shears. Both sold via the Armory, and the Shears purchaser had seen a picture of the Dufala’s Hamper, and wanted to see more.

I wondered how an Internet sale would work. She said that the gallery would ship the work, and the purchaser could return it if not satisfied. Had that ever happened I wondered. Yes, it had. And why don’t they just run off with the goods? Because the gallery has the credit card info.
The exhibit will be up through Saturday. Among my personal favorites were the title piece, Trophy, and a drawing of a topiary tree shaped like a recliner.