Hello art conventioneers, if you’re in New York or up for a trip there, check out the X-Initiative’s No Soul for Sale Festival of Independents, a week-long confab (June 24-28), with performances, exhibitions, and whatever the 30 galleries from around the world want to present. Sounds wild.

Two of our town’s revered alternative galleries, FLUXspace and Vox Populi, are participating. Also, those two wild boys, Voxers Nick Paparone and Jamie DIllon, will be doing a collaborative performance Saturday, June 27 at 6 pm. The performance is called “Regular Tripping,” featuring what looks like Mr. Orange Juice, who seems like a cross between Garfield and Mr. Peanut–tasty and lots of attitude.
X-Initiative is presenting this conglomeration of art and stuff and we wondered who they were. Here’s info on the one-year project’s founders and board and mission.
X Initiative
548 West 22nd Street New York NY 10011
Opening Reception: June 23, 6-9 pm
with a performance by Martin Soto Climent