
Art Trade Show time for alt spaces

Hello art conventioneers, if you’re in New York or up for a trip there, check out the X-Initiative’s No Soul for Sale Festival of Independents, a week-long confab (June 24-28), with performances, exhibitions, and whatever the 30 galleries from around the world want to present. Sounds wild.

Nick Paparone and Jamie DIllon's poster for their upcoming X-Initiative performance.
Nick Paparone and Jamie DIllon’s poster for their upcoming X-Initiative performance.

Two of our town’s revered alternative galleries, FLUXspace and Vox Populi, are participating. Also, those two wild boys, Voxers Nick Paparone and Jamie DIllon, will be doing a collaborative performance Saturday, June 27 at 6 pm. The performance is called “Regular Tripping,” featuring what looks like Mr. Orange Juice, who seems like a cross between Garfield and Mr. Peanut–tasty and lots of attitude.

X-Initiative is presenting this conglomeration of art and stuff and we wondered who they were. Here’s info on the one-year project’s founders and board and mission.
X Initiative
548 West 22nd Street New York NY 10011
Opening Reception: June 23, 6-9 pm
with a performance by Martin Soto Climent
