Here’s the link to my Weekly piece. Below is my copy.
Sage Projects
“Tenuous Magic Parts” opened at the new South Street gallery in May to a crowd of 300 and is being held over for another opening Friday. The show asks the artists to find truth in a perplexing world. Fantasy abounds in comical portraits, nonsense posters, paintings that question reality, still lifes that aren’t still, and junk assemblage sculpture. Dustin Metz’s paintings and Karen Stone’s “hair trees”—fantasy 2-D portraits with art nouveau arabesques of long hair—are standout pieces. Curator Jon Manteau loves music at openings and “Fat Man Little Boy,” a three-member punk, thrash, surf band will play from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.

The new flat file gallery AHN|VHS has Bill McRight’s sketchbooks in the gallery’s opening show. The Space 1026 artist is known for his street-art sensibility (monsters and skulls in bold linocuts or screenprints pasted onto skateboards and scrap wood panels). His sketchbooks are more experimental and range from scribbles and abstract doodles to word rants and drawings in various stages of development. A limited edition reproduction of one of the sketchbooks will be available for purchase.
Little Berlin
Several months in the making, “Offerings” at Little Berlin is a show about the process of interaction and collaboration. Co-curators Alex Gartelmann and Martha Savery asked the 21 teams of artists to spend no more than $50 on their projects. The idea was to introduce artists to other artists they didn’t know and foster the growth of networks—all of which will bear fruit in the future. The projects sound wild and some are full of hijinx. Fifty beach balls will be on tap for some kind of interaction; food will be tossed over a wall at the crowd. On a more serious note, there will be videos, a very large print, photos of a trip to Niagara Falls and a voting booth with hand screened ballots and a ballot box to vote on the best art in the show. Outside the gallery one group will do a performance about the wonderfulness of the word “Wow!”

Bridgette Mayer is celebrating her gallery’s eighth birthday with a charity show and sale for Back on My Feet, the organization that empowers the homeless through running. Mayer organized a show of 100 local artists, including Back on My Feet members, gallery artists and local luminaries. The works—each one made using 10-by-10 wood panels—will be hung salon-style in the gallery. Panels range from traditional paintings and drawings to video screens. Sculptor Paul Oberst cut up his panel and reassembled it as his contribution to the show. Works are priced at $500 to $1,000 and proceeds will be divided between the charity, the gallery and the artists.
Bill McRight Fri., June 5, 7-11pm. Through June 27. AHN|VHS, 319A N. 11th St., fourth fl.
Tenuous Magic Parts Fri., June 5, 6-9pm. Through June 7. Sage Projects, 333 South St. 215.706.0406.
Offerings Fri., June 5, 6-10pm. Through June. Little Berlin, 119 Montgomery St.
Eighth Anniversary Show and Sale for Back on My Feet Fri., June 5, 6-8:30pm. Through June 27. Bridgette Mayer Gallery, 709 Walnut St. 215.413. 8893.