Tyler School of Art’s gallery director, Sheryl Conkelton, is leaving! Oh, horrors.

Here are some of the reasons to be disappointed. At Tyler, Sheryl brought some amazing shows–my faves were Empathetic (2006-7), a big-name show that included some eye-opening work from Jesper Just and from Kalup Linsey; Mix (2005-6), featuring some terrific video from Cory Archangel and Frankie Martin, Tony Cokes, and more; and the Phil Collins exhibit assume freedom, in 2005. (Here’s a link to past exhibitions at Tyler).
She brought great professionalism to Tyler’s exhibitions, including keeping up standards for creating good exhibition space over a couple of gallery movies. It seems she would be the one to credit for the high quality of the newest extraordinary gallery space in Tyler’s new building.
Ach. This is sounding like an obit. But it is a loss for Philadelphia. If I find out more, I’ll let you all know.