
Caricaturist David Levine, dead at age 83

You probably know his works from the New York Review of Books where his black and white drawings were featured since 1963 bringing dark humor and beauty to writings about political and literary figures.  See untold numbers of his caricatures at the New York Review’s online gallery. What I didn’t know, and learned from this obit in the NY Times, is that Levine was a Temple and Tyler School of Art grad, with degrees in education and art.

David Levine, 1966. Portrait of Lyndon Johnson showing his gallbladder surgery scar (which he did famously). Levine here changes the scar into a drawing of the country of Vietnam (1966 was a big war year)
David Levine, 1966. Portrait of Lyndon Johnson showing his gallbladder surgery scar (which he did famously). Levine here changes the scar into a drawing of the country of Vietnam (1966 was a big war year)