An incomplete, biased and otherwise personal list of some of the events I hope to get to in the next two weeks:
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 6 pm YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES, a Seoul based web-art group, will be speaking at Temple where their work is part of Philagrafika.
126 AUDITORIUM, Temple University Architecture building, 1947 North 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Free and open to the public

Who wouldn’t want to hear from artists who did a web piece called CUNNILINGUS IN N0RTH K0REA? You can see it, and more of their work at their site.

Thursday, Feb. 4, 6:30 Courtesy of the ICA , Douglas Crimp, visual studies theorist and Aids activist will talk on Andy Warhol’s Paul Swan which will be screened following the talk.
International House, 3701 Chestnut Street

Friday, Feb. 5-Sat., Feb. 6 Women and Pop Art Symposium is organized in conjunction with the “Seductive Subversion: Women Pop Artists 1958-1968” exhibition at U Arts .
Terra Hall, Connelly Auditorium (8th floor), 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Free and open to the public
Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. R.S.V.P. to Kate Johnson, 215-717-6145 or
Then Next week I’m off to the College Art Association Annual Meeting in Chicago. Feb. 10-13. For details, or to register, see CAA’s site.
Some Philadelphia area participants are: Elisabeth Agro, Kathleen A. Foster, and Timothy Rub, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philip Glahn and Alicia Imperiale, Tyler School of Art, Arthur J. Di Furia and Maureen Pelta, Moore College of Art and Design, Rachele Riley, University of the Arts, Christiane Hertel, Bryn Mawr College, Rachel Oberter, Haverford College, Jennifer Borland, Lisa Bourla, David Brownlee, Alison Chang, Andre Dombrowski, Ellery Foutch, Jane Irish, George Marcus, Larry Silver, Miya Tokumitsu, University of Pennsylvania, Anne Verplanck, independent scholar and Janine Mileaf, Swarthmore College
I expect to report on the meeting.