
Fundraising alert – Judith Schaechter needs you

We got a note recently from that wonderful artist Judith Schaechter who is fundraising to make and install ten new stained glass windows in ten cells at Eastern State Penitentiary. Judith makes beautiful stained glass on subjects with contemporary social meaning — loneliness, our culture of excess, the conflicted role of a woman in our society (sex object, goddess, whipping girl).  She’s long wanted to do a project at the old prison, and it seems to us her project is a perfect match for the site.  Judith needs funds to make the work and to install it in the prison. Because she’s one of the US Artists, a select group that’s mentored by that organization, she’s fundraising at their website–in a Kickstarter kind of way, where people can select a level of support — in Judith’s case, from $40 to $1000 — pledge the money, and get a little gift from the artist in thanks.  Here’s Judith’s fundraising site at US Artists.

schaechterColdGenius tiny
Judith Schaechter, Cold Genius, from her last solo exhibit at Claire Oliver Gallery

The artist told me in an email

…its kind of an interesting way to raise funds–scary and it makes me feel sort of sleazy asking people to donate but at the same time, it really gives artists direct control and access to people which a gallery usually doesn’t. Its an “all or nothing” proposition, meaning if I don’t get the minimum (5k) I will get none.”

Judith exceeded her goal of $5,000 but is continuing to fundraise, because the cost of the project is higher than $5,000.  She still needs your support.

Here’s more about the cost:

Because my work is extremely labor intensive, this project will take a year to complete. Eastern State is able to fund the project up to $7500 but $5000 will be paid to the installer.  I am seeking $5000 to $10,000 to defray my cost of living expenses that will not be covered by part time teaching.

It’s a worthy cause for great new temporary site-specific art in Philadelphia.
