We realize some of you don’t read the blog on Mondays. If that’s the case here’s what you’ve been missing–really great podcast interviews of 10 to 15 minutes with some of Philadelphia’s exciting art people. They have talked to us about public art and they’ve talked to us about race in art. They’ve discussed print publications and they’ve discussed whether landscape is dead.

Here are the interviews on our radio page so far:
- Jayson Scott Musson on race and survival
- Leah Bailis on longing
- Angel O on life in Harrisburg
- Kristen Neville Taylor on Little Berlin and landscape
- John Caperton on prints at the Print Center
- Rachel and Trevor Reese and David Dempewolf and Yuka Yokayama on their print publications
- Man Bartlett on digital art
- Leslie Rogers on performance
- Dennis Scholl on the Knight Arts Challenge and giving away money
- Diedra Krieger on performance
- Steven and Billy Blaise Dufala on collaborating
- Bob Cozzolino and Sid Sachs on public art
- Sande Webster on race and business
- Jong Kyu Kim (aka Dave Kim) on identity
- William Powhida and Jennifer Dalton on curating Vox VI

Here’s what’s coming up next–an interview with photographer Daniel Traub on Monday, Feb. 14 (a short sample of that interview will appear today or tomorrow on the blog).
And we’ve got some really exciting interviews for the near future:
- Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz on collecting
- Carl Marin on his sculpture
- Jennie Thwing on her video
- Amze Emmons on the urban environment
- Michael Konrad on decay
- Claes Gabriel on coming to America and making it as an artist
So stay tuned for some of the most exciting art talk online.
It’s easy to find all our Artblog Radio interviews. Just go to the top of any Artblog page and click on the word radio (in the gray nav bar under the logo).
You can also subscribe to the interviews on iTunes. And you can find them on the NewsWorks art and culture page.
Usually we run the interviews every other Monday, with a sample of what’s to come on the off Mondays. Occasionally we will run a full podcast on the in-betweeen weeks because we just can’t contain ourselves. And that’s what we’re doing this coming Monday with Daniel Traub.
Happy listening.