The art and airplane trend
We’ve told you before about Jordan Griska’s “Grumman Greenhouse“, the repurposed submarine bomber turned sculpture/community greenhouse that was recently installed in Lenfest Plaza.

Well artist Matthew Day Jackson also has part of a plane – the cockpit of a B-29 – on display in London as part of his exhibit at Hauser & Wirth. The piece is entitled “Axis Mundi”, and while it is cool, it isn’t a greenhouse, so we think Griska wins this round.

In the media:
Virginia Maksymowicz has an article on about her exhibit “Previously Occupied: Wall Street Works 1984-1988“.
Fairmount Park Art Association and Fairmount Park have been named among the “10 great sculpture gardens across the USA” by USA Today.
Rick and Ruth Snyderman, founders of the Snyderman-Works Gallery, have been featured on the American Craft blog.
University of the Arts has its new first-year curriculum featured in an article with The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Tyler Green just launched his Modern Art Notes Podcast series. The first one was aired yesterday with interview of artist Chris Burden and Baltimore Museum of Art curator Kristen Hileman.
Military Discounts at
Just in time for Veteran’s Day, has launched discounts for active military personnel/veterans and their families.
One-day Art Fair at the Free Library
Thanks to Lesley Mitchell for tipping us off about the Book Paper Scissors art, book, and craft fair at the Free Library of Philadelphia on November 19 from 10 AM – 4 PM. Come get some paper, book, and origami work by numerous artists including Mitchell!
A rather Printeresting guest editor
The California Printmaker had its most recent publication guest edited by the fine people at Printeresting. It’s a 32-page exploration of the relationship of print to internet including original writing, original print-related comics, and artist profiles.
Lindsay Baker and 8 Mile covers
At PhilaMOCA on November 27 at 7 PM there will be a screening of Eminem’s 8 Mile with amateur covers of the rap songs in the film. This is the conclusion of Lindsay Baker’s thesis, so come out and show your support!
Philadelphia Art Hotel has just opened its call for 2012 resident artists. The residency goes from May 1 – September 30 and the application deadline is January 31. You can find the application form here or e-mail for more info.
Artists Wanted invites you to participate in its EXPOSURE 2011 photo competition. There are over $50,000 in prizes available as well as a solo exhibition at the Aperture Foundation!
Markeim Arts Center in Haddonfield, NJ has an open call for its show Eye of the Beholder which begins on January 31, 2012. Photographers are asked to submit photos directly to the director by e-mailing him at before January 13.
University City’s Close At Hand Directory encourages artists to submit their information to their directory of artists and services. Send all inquiries to for more information.
Artist News
Odili Odita created his largest (150-foot) mural for a commission by the New Orleans Museum of Art.
Tyler Held brings us news that he is moving to NYC to become the head painter of sculptures by Jeff Koons.
Bruce Reinfeld will have his photos at a reduced price during his pop-up show at his High Fidelity Disco studio this weekend, November 12, 9 AM – 9 PM and November 13, 10 AM – 7:30 PM.
Christian Patchell, the Chestnut Hill artist, has overcome cancer and put together a colorful cartoon book about the experience entitled “I Put the Can in Cancer: A Journey Through Pictures”.

Amanda Wolf – costume designer at Walnut Street Theatre – won the costume competition for Dancing With the Stars. She flies out to LA on the 13th of November to see her costumes live on Dancing With the Stars.

Simone Jones has a pair of installations on display at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, one of which is in collaboration with UDel professor Lance Winn.

Atlanta is been graced with two Philly artists right now: Caroline Lathan-Stiefel has her installation “Ocean” at flux projects and Kate Javens has a solo exhibition For the Wolves. Thanks to the lively arts blog BURNAWAY for the info!