Lectures and discussions
Temple Gallery is offering a lecture with Philadelphia resident and Creative Time curator Nato Thompson on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7:00 PM. Thompson will speak about his latest book Seeing Power: Art and Activism in the Age of Cultural Production. We at artblog would love a Creative Time organization in Philly, and as it turns out we have the curator right here! Reserve a seat for Nato Thompson’s lecture at or call 215 777 9138. And in West Philly, artist and independent curator Matheiu Copeland speaks at Kelly Writers House Thursday, Feb. 16, 6pm, about his efforts at subverting curatorial practice.

[NOTE: We just learned that this discussion has been POSTPONED until Mar. 17.] Meanwhile, this weekend Marginal Utility is hosting a discussion at Vox Populi on the structure, imaging, and personal affects of protest. The talk, Saturday, Feb. 11, at 6pm, Sat. Mar. 17, at 6pm features Naeem Mohaiemen and Mark Tribe, curator Yaelle Amir, and Slought Foundation’s Aaron Levy and is in conjunction with the MU show Five Acts: Chronicles of Dissent.
Ward Shelley at Pierogi

Ward Shelley’s show of trippy timeline paintings opens Feb. 17 at Pierogi in Williamsburg. We’re fond of this gallery, and we love Shelley’s work, which traces musical and counter cultural movements (among others) throughout history using colorful, sinewy patterns.
Leo diCaprio teams up with La Colombe
Philadelphia-based coffee roaster La Colombe is joining forces with Leonardo DiCaprio to sell his new coffee line LYON. All proceeds from sales go to environmental charities supported by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Thanks to Ms. Stella Kimbrough for this tasty tidbit.
Kutztown University installation

A while ago we brought you the news about the residency applictions f0r Kutztown University, well the last installation is now on display. The resident artist is Onishi Yasuaki, and his work is entitled “Reverse of Volume“. There are no more residency opportunities, according to Kutztown, but you can still submit to the gallery your proposals for solo or group exhibitions. The installation is on view until March 2.
Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival poetry slam
A poetry slam and a screening of the documentary Louder Than A Bomb are part of the Jewish Film Festival at the Gershman Y this Sunday, Feb. 12 at 2:30 pm. The Poetry Slam is courtesy the Philadelphia Youth Poetry Movement.
Get a peek at the new Philadelphia Sculpture Gym while perusing the Valentine’s arts and crafts fair, Coldhearted, Saturday, Feb. 11, from 11am-5pm. The Sculpture Gym is Darla Jackson’s Knight Arts Challenge project.
Ladies and gentlemen, but especially, we think, ladies, this is for you. Casting calls are over, but all you beautiful and tool-savvy people can still apply to the upcoming HGTV program All American Handyman until February 17. Email with some information about your handiness and telegenic qualities. We think ladies should apply to this politically-incorrectly titled show.
The Studios of Key West have an open call for 40 month-long residencies for artists, writers, composers, performers, and interdisciplinary artists (via The deadline for applications is May 15.
Eastern State Penitentiary is accepting applications for site specific artist installations for the upcoming 2013 season. The deadline for proposals is June 13, 2012. Find all the details on the program here.
The Siddhartha Arts Foundation has a call for artists for the second annual Kathmandu International Art Festival. Climate change is the topic of this year’s Earth|Body|Mind festival. The application deadline is February 29. You can find the application form here.
Via Leeway – CalArts is seeking a digital media teacher/artist. You can find more details about the position here.
3rd Ward is seeking innovative and compelling work and will be giving out $15,000 in prizes. More information on the open call page.
Little Berlin is looking for people who want to participate in FLASHFLooD, a “semi-secretive mass public exhibition of rapidly-distributed hidden flash drives containing downloadable exhibitions.” If you are as intrigued as we are, check out the website for more information. And if you participate in the FLASH distribution (juried by Little Berlin members, extraextra members and others), you’re also invited to show your work at a BYOBEAMER event First Friday, Mar 2 at Little Berlin. Apply before Feb. 23.
Writers and editors, this one’s for you. College Art Association has two positions available: an editor-in-chief position for The Art Bulletin and a reviews editor for the Art Journal. The deadline for both is April 2.
Artist News

Andrea Packard, Director of the List Gallery, Swarthmore College, has an upcoming solo show at The Painting Center in New York entitled Vista and Strata. The opening is on February 28.
Susan Myers has a solo show of her metalwork at the Society of Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh in a show entitled All Consuming. The exhibit opened on February 3 and runs until June 30.

Daniel Heyman presents Bearing Witness at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. The show is up now through February 29. On display is Heyman’s Istanbul Portfolio of the Abu Ghraib Detainee Interview Project.

David Kettner is retiring after 43 years of teaching painting and drawing at University of the Arts — Kudos!! David’s retirement show, at the UArts Hamilton Hall Galleries, opens on February 24 with a reception on the 29th from 5 – 8 PM.