We visited Little Berlin on our May 4 Safari tour, to see the group painting exhibition, Peep, curated by LB member Alana Bograd. Bograd, a painter, rounded up works from local, national and international painters — it’s the first painting show at the alternative gallery space in Kensington. This 2.45 min video is the first episode from the May 4 outing. More episodes coming in the next few weeks. See all the Art Safari videos on the art safari page or the video page.

You can watch the video at our YouTube channel.
This episode is recorded and edited by the gifted Kim Paynter of WHYY’s NewsWorks.org — thanks Kim! Thanks also to the Knight Foundation for the matching Arts Challenge Award for the Art Safaris. Thanks to the Miami Foundation, With Art Philadelphia, University of the Arts, the Barnes Foundation’s Art Now class, to the galleries we visited and to all our supporters who helped us match and exceed the grant amount! Special shout out to our partner WHYY NewsWorks for their ongoing support and for sharing artblog Art Safari episodes on their arts and culture page. You can subscribe to our videos on our YouTube Channel.