Major congratulations to the recipients of the Pew Fellowships in the Arts (PFA) – thirteen artists are receiving $60,000 awards this year! Some of the talented and lucky recipients include visual artist Alex Da Corte, the Megawords team (visual artists Dan Murphy and Tony Smyrski), filmmaker Deron Albright, and documentary photographer Lori Waselchuk. Find out more from Pew’s website, including a full listing of the 2012 grantees. We know that we’ll see further great things from them all!
The Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy brokered a new project to foster the making and purchase of art by new collectors. The project creates Community Supported Art (similar in theme to Community Supported Agriculture) in which a portfolio of works is made available through shares sold to people who want to support the project. At a certain point, the supporters get a box of art goodies made by local artists. Great idea! The groups chosen by OACCE to create the art portfolios are the the Philadelphia Folklore Project and Grizzly Grizzly and Tiger Strikes Asteroid, who are working together. By buying fifty available shares of artwork, each shareholder gets nine pieces of art.
Artists from the Folklore Project’s CSA are:
Ra’sheeda Bey
Alma Luz Castro
Maisaloon Dias
Stephanie Hryckowian
Christina Johnson
Eric Joselyn
Marta Sanchez
Pang Xiong Sirirathasuk Sikoun
Matthew Smith
The artists from Grizzly Grizzly and Tiger Strikes Asteroid CSA are:
Sarah Kate Burgess
Anda Dubinskis
Jacob Feige
Sarh Gamble
Brian Giniewski
Ivanco Talevski
Brent Wahl
Douglas Witmer
Linda Yun
Shares go on sale July 12, 2012 and cost $350 for the PFP art, and $450 for the Grizzly Grizzly/TSA works.

We’re adding another park to the growing list of public art hotspots we’ll make a point of visiting. This time it’s Hawthorne Park at 12th and Catharine, as part of the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy’s Percent for Art Project. Object for Expression, a stainless steel sculpture of a lectern, was created by Warren Holzman and dedicated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony yesterday attended by Mayor Nutter, the artist, and the Hawthorne community, who had a hand in choosing this sculpture for their park. Find more about this project at the OACCE’s website.

Anyone who’s followed the saga of the Barnes Foundation can attest to its founder’s peccadilloes, and now you can learn about why, among other things, Dr. Albert Barnes turned down the purchase of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” “No Thanks!” Artwork That Dr. Barnes Chose Not to Buy or Keep, is to be held at the Barnes Foundation on July 11 from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, led by Associate Archivist Barbara Anne Beaucar. Tickets are $12 for the public and $10 for members, and you can reserve a ticket here.
We’re sorry to say it will now cost you more to go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, but we see their point: if they’re trying to boost membership sales this is a good way to go about it. Effective July 1, 2012, general admission to the Philadelphia Museum of Art increases from $16 to $20 and (bonus) is offered as a two-day ticket, letting you come back the next day. Find the full press release here.

Part Time Studios needs help immediately. They need members or they will close. The space, located at 2031 Frankford Ave in Fishtown, has been open since December 2009, when they moved from studio space in Viking Mills. Part Time has 6 current members: Dietrich Meyer, Kyle Fisher, Hilary White, Steven Speir, Megan Swanson, and Sean Brown. If you want to join (and help them keep up their good work!) contact them at or call 215-948-2242.
Mimi Zarsky of the National Performance Network is looking for a knowledgeable part-time Philly site coordinator for their annual December conference. The position begins August 1st and ends December 30th, and a cover letter and resume are due no later than Friday, July 13. Libby and Roberta are on the host committee for this conference, and can vouch that it’s a wonderful organization to be a part of. Visit their site for more information, and contact us for a full listing of the job description.
Via Wooloo – 1. A residency for new media and improvisation hosted by collective Medea Electronique is open in Koumaria, Greece. The residency lasts from Oct 8th – 21st-2012, with a July 15 deadline; find the listing here and visit Medea Electronique’s site for additional information on their work. 2. Beers.Lambert Contemporary is offering the First Annual Beers.Lambert Award for Emerging Art, a $5000 prize to be given to up to eight artists. Find more info here.
Blue Sky Gallery, located in not-so-sunny but nonetheless incomprably hip and cool Portland, OR, is looking for a membership and gallery manager! Check out their site for all the details of this position.
3 via Leeway – 1. It’s almost time for the next round of Leeway Art and Change Grants, which fund social change-inspiring projects by women-based and trans artists in the Delaware Valley region creating art for social change.; the upcoming deadline is Aug 1. 2. A opening for a Program Assistant has come up, to start in late August/early September. The deadline for application is July 23. 3. The Philadelphia Student Union is seeking a Youth Media Organizer with experience in working with youth and audio/radio production. The deadline is August 10 – find that listing here. Visit the Leeway Foundation’s site for further information on all three opportunities.
via Philly Sculptors – The International Sculpture Center Conference in Chicago has issued its 2012 call for proposals. They’re looking for work that combines science and sculpture for the Art-Science panel. The deadline is August 15, 2012. For submission guidelines, click here, and visit the first link for more general info about the ISC.
Artist News
Tempest in a teapot news – It’s good to know that with all the terrible, horrible things going on the world people have got their priorities straight and are righteously livid about Zoe Strauss flipping the bird at the White House. While this definitely falls into the heading of “snafu,” and may have not been smartest thing to do, it’s not the worst thing anyone’s ever done; meanwhile, Zoe was voted into Magnum Photos!

Erin Riley is on a roll with a considerable lineup of shows and publicity, especially in the West Coast – her work’s been seen lately at “Blank Land,” a group show that began on June 30 at the Torrance Museum in California; at Guerrero Gallery in San Francisco; an upcoming solo show at The End is Near Gallery in Brooklyn, and write-ups in many magazines, including the street culture powerhouse Juxtapoz – find that piece here.
Lisa Kereszi has photos featured on CNN, called “American Dream Crushed by Tragedy.” Growing up in suburban Philly where her father ran an auto junkyard, the subject matter of her photos draws on her past. See the photoblog here.

Daniel Traub is having a noontime talk today at Blue Sky Gallery in Oregon. The son of Village of Arts and Humanities founder Lily Yeh, we’ve been avidly following his career path since we did a podcast with him a while back in February 2011. Visit the gallery’s site for more info.
Jay Hardman is featured in Landscape Remix, a small group show at Guest Spot Gallery in Baltimore curated by Rod Malin. Also in the show is Art Fag City founder Paddy Johnson, so don’t miss it if you’re in the area! Landscape Remix is up from June 22, 2012 through August 4, 2012, with a reception Friday, June 22, 2012 7pm-10pm. Find out more about this show at Guest Spot’s site.
via eFlux – Abigail DeVille, whom we love dearly, has been shortlisted for the Pinchuk Centre’s Future Generation Art Prize 2012. DeVille’s showed at Marginal Utility, and is included in the MU bill of fare at ICA this month. We’re glad to see her getting all this attention!
If visual art by musicians in a gorgeous new space is exciting to you, check out Arch Enemy Arts tonight for First Friday. Gabe Tiberino’s exhibition saw a veteran artist at Gallery ML’s new space, and this month’s offering, “To Battle, To Bed” is the debut solo show of Colin Frangicetto, a founding member of Doylestown-based band Circa Survive. The reception goes from 6-10 PM, and the show runs until July 27. Get to Old City quick – the first 100 guests receive free Little Baby’s ice cream, and the first 25 people to show up receive a limited edition signed print by Frangicetto! For more information, contact: The gallery is located at 109 Arch Street.