
A little News-ette – Free panel discussion on the Philly gallery scene,Thursday night at Crane Arts

(Hey everyone, here is something we want to share with you — an opportunity to hear how the real world of galleries in Philadelphia works, and to discuss the future! Organized by The Saint Claire, that great online magazine we love. Hope you can make it to this event.  Hope there will be more events! — the editors)


Market Spaces: A forum on new art economies
Thursday, October 17th /// 7pm /// Crane Arts Building

A public discussion with members of Philadelphia’s commercial gallery community. An event of open communication between students, artists, curators, and collectors. A gauging of Philadelphia’s commercial art climate. An assessment of the for-profit exhibition space’s role. A line between New York. A bill of responsibilities for buyers, sellers, and producers. An evaluation of shortcomings. A recognition of potential. A place for questions. A forecasting of new possibilities.

Alex Baker, Director, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery
Lindsay Chandler, Co-Director, FJORD Gallery
Sarah Eberle and Ben Will, Directors, Rebekah Templeton Contemporary Art
Bridgette Mayer, Director, Bridgette Mayer Gallery
Christine Pfister, Director, Pentimenti Gallery
Debra Ward, Collector

How would you describe what you do? Describe, from start to finish, a typical art transaction at your gallery. Who buys art in Philadelphia? What is worth borrowing from New York? What should be abandoned? Should art cost more or less? What is the gallery’s responsibility to the artist; to the buyer? What will the Philadelphia art scene look like 20 years? What should it look like?

More info here. Facebook event page here.
