Hello dear readers, Libby and i are off to the opening of the Carnegie International in Pittsburgh, in which the wonderful Zoe Strauss has a terrific project in the old steel town of Homestead, in which she’s chronicling the labor struggles of that town’s past and photographing its current residents and creating new community, like she does wherever she goes. Oh, and those new photographs, she’s giving them to the portrait sitters — the same images that will appear in the Carnegie Museum of Art — how about that for de-institutionalizing the institution!

Don’t miss the Our Picks!
Meanwhile, on the homefront, there’s amazing art openings and events this weekend, so check the OUR PICKS, put on your running shoes and go!
Show up and show with us and Green Line Cafe, seriously!
And mark your calendars for our first show up and show, Unfiltered, at Green Line Cafe on Locust St., Oct. 19, (opening 4 PM – 6 PM). Everyone is welcome! And artists, we would love to have your art on the walls (or in the flat file) for this show, which celebrates artblog and Green Line Cafe, both in operation serving the public and the art community for 10 years! More info at Green Line Cafe’s website.
Filmmakers and directors, this is for you – sign up by tomorrow for a Sundance workshop coming to Philly later this month!
Knight Foundation just announced a new partnership with Sundance to bring a series of workshops for emerging screenwriters and directors to Philadelphia. The first, the Sundance Institute Screenwriters Intensive, is coming up later this month, and the deadline for applications is Friday. You can read more about this opportunity on our blog. [NOTE – Sign up by tomorrow, Oct. 4, at Knight’s partner, Scribe Video. Application criteria and details here.]
If you know someone who might be interested, please forward them the information. We’re hoping to pack the room with the best Philly talent.
Dennis SchollVice President/Arts at Knight Foundation
Last but not least, Libby and Roberta featured in the Philly Inquirer today!
Yes, we’re in ink today as well as on the Internet. Here’s the link to the very nice article by the excellent Stephan Salisbury, with a lovely picture of the bloggers by the excellent Ron Tarver!