
Bait Collective’s First Time, a 5-bedroom installation in their Fishtown house – an artblog audio review

In this 2-minute artblog audio review, Leah Koontz talks about the new Bait Collective's show, First Time, in which five outside curators worked with five Bait members to install work in the bedrooms of their Fishtown house at 2216 Cedar St. This was a one-night performance, Nov. 2.  More information on Bait at

[NOTE OF CORRECTION: The bedroom curator/artist pairings are:
Ben Coover/Alien Moon Partnership
Elizabeth Loux/Palmer Loux
Erin Marmer/Rachel Akerley
Kate Speidel/Justine Kelley
Sasha Parker/Anna DeCaria

Thank you, Ben Coover, for the corrected information–the editor]

Leah Koontz is a senior at Moore College of Art and Design. She is a Fine Art major with a minor in Curatorial studies. More information about her work can be found at
