
As promised, details on the benefit for Todd Marrone‘s family have been solidified. UsedWigs Radio, where a giant part of Todd’s creative life was spent, is hosting an event on Sunday evening, April 13, 2014 at L’etage on South Street. Bringing together comedians Dave Hill and Chip Chantry, storytellers Anna Goldfarb, Shrake, Nikki Walter and Kevin Ginsberg, performances by Brian Seymour and Bevan McShea, everything involved promises a special memorial: each component of the evening is either something Todd loved or recreations of his musings on life, read by friends and family. There’s going to be a donation at the door, with requests for pieces of art to be included in a small silent auction. All the show’s organizers are eager to see familiar and unfamiliar faces united in remembrance, so RSVP as soon as you can.

Tonight, doors are open, the temperature is warming, excitement is high, and that means one thing: Open Studio Night at PAFA. RSVP and see what this years’ artists of all degree levels have been toiling away on.
A seismic change for the Corcoran Gallery of Art is in the works. The National Gallery of Art and George Washington University are taking it over, with details discussed on Wednesday afternoon. We hope that it ends up better off. Good? Bad? Not sure. That it’s a wrenching change for everyone involved is the only given so far. The university gets the Beaux-Arts Corcoran building itself as well as the College of Art and Design, while the National Gallery is taking initial responsibility for studying and donating the Corcoran’s 17,000 pieces of art. Good news? Bad news? It’s hard to tell yet. The only given is that this is a wrenching decision for everyone involved, and hopefully one that will result in better stewardship and happier times.
Aussie band Cut Copy’s foray into 90s-rave-kid territory is a bit difficult to get into if you’re not on an exercise machine, but their new video makes a gargantuan effort to meld the neon past with the Open Source future. “We Are Explorers” features 3D animations created by Tokyo- and New York-based firn Party that can be re-created via a Bittorrent download. And, we hear, printed at our very own NextFab! Glad to see those wizards getting a workout.
Old City District is looking for a marketing maven to come on board as an independent contractor. In the role they’re seeking to fill, the candidate works with a marketing committee, staff and festival committees, supports the planning and execution of a number of key projects (including two huge ones for 2014), and the pending launch of a new website. They’re looking at a thirty-hour-a-week commitment. To apply, please send your resume, list of recent marketing projects and a recent writing sample to: by Wednesday March 5.
via Gaby Heit – Some new studio and event spaces have opened up at Da Vinci Art Alliance, located in the artsy heart of Bella Vista. There’s one studio available for $400, and a separate exhibition and event space with a price TBD. If you’re interested, contact Gaby for more information.
A desert retreat could be what you need: Friends of Black Rock – High Rock, in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management and Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, pilots an Artist-in-Residence program at the Black Rock Desert – High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area (NCA) in Spring 2014. Two artist residencies are going to be scheduled for two-week periods during May or June; right now applications are being accepted, with a postmarked deadline of March 28, 2014. Check out their site for more info.
Artist News

Rachel Blythe Udell’s piece from FiberPhiladelphia’s Outside/Inside The Box show is having a second moment now, with an expanded version being shown at Grounds For Sculpture .The Shapes of My Dreams and of My Nightmares is on display at Grounds for Sculpture from January 18, 2014 – April 14, 2014, and it’s show is free with museum admission. For additional information visit: http://www.
Daniel Kent, a PA-based artist whose illustration and commercial work has gotten recognized both regionally and nationally, is featured in High Math, an LA show presented by Slow Culture Gallery. Opening February 28 and running until March, the opening reception is at 7:00 – 10:00PM PST, and if you’re going you’ll see mainly work on paper, some brand new, some existing, from Kent and the multitude of eclectic artists.