Jennie Thwing‘s whimsical stop-action animations have tickled our visual funnybone for years–at the same time that they’ve made us think about issues like the environment and our culture of waste. The artist and educator (she teaches at Rowan University in New Jersey) is also a member of Nexus, one of Philly’s oldest alternative membership spaces. Thwing, who was born in Alberta, Canada, tells us about her religious upbringing and about starting out as a painter but never being satisfied with her paintings. Her videos–elliptical narratives in which she and others perform–are imbued with humor as well as an abashed sense of awe about the world.
This episode is edited by Peter Crimmins. The music is by Eric Biondo. Thanks to the Knight Foundation for helping us get the ball rolling on this project. Thanks to J-Lab and William Penn Foundation for additional support and to our partner WHYY NewsWorks for their ongoing support.