Look for items about Serena Perrone’s latest work, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s upcoming keynote event, and the results of PAFA’s Venture Fund in the news roundup, now in a different timeslot…
Major Student exhibition at UPenn Charles Addams Gallery, Caitlin Abadir-Mullaly Solo Exhibition at AUTOMAT, Philadelphia Horticultural Society and Drexel Garden Workshops, Kensington Storefront Opportunity, Plus more.
Volunteer! Supine Horizons, Karyn Olivier talks public art’s future, Syd Carpenter on PBS, plus opportunities
Opportunities from CFEVA and the Rail Park, News from Anula Shetty and Alex Paik and much more!
Kara Walker honors late Toni Morrison on New Yorker cover, Fleisher Wind Challenge entry opens, new Philly crit group, and more!