
News post – Talkback from NYC art fairs, Vox hosts Riot Grrrl exhibit, Bodega re-opens, opportunities and more!


The ethos of Fountain NY at a glance.
The ethos of Fountain NY at a glance.

via Arch Enemy Arts – We could try to capture in words what the atmosphere of this week has been like for artists presenting/having their life forces drained at city fairs, but this photo, from Arch Enemy Arts, is a fait accompli. “Repost. Very late last night. Hanging our show at Fountain NYC. @noahgalleryml caught me praying for coffee.”

We’re taking in the feedback on this year’s Whitney Biennial with a necessary amount of side-eye. It’s great! It’s boring! It’s great in places and boring in others! Earth-shattering. Anthony Elms’ curated floor, though, has been a magnet for people seeking the high water mark. From Magda Sawon: “Two words: ANTHONY ELMS. There are gems on each biennial floor but his is an actual SHOW with flow, relationships, inner energy/poetry.” From Hrag Vartanian: “Elms chose 24 artists and groups for his part, and some soar, like Terry Adkins’s striking Aviarium works installed high near Breuer’s impressive gridded concrete ceiling. Others merely saunter, even trip, like Paul P.’s well-executed drawings that seem largely out of place in this show.” Coming from a legion of tough sells in the art world, this is a pretty solid report. Well done, Anthony.

Fleisher/Ollman is coming to the end of their time at the Armory Show – Modern; they’re on Pier 92 in booth 228, and are closing on March 9. You can catch them from 12 – 7pm over the next couple days, and preview their picks on Artsy. The featured artists at their booth include Peter Attie Besharo, Isaac Tin Wei Lin and Barry McGee.

Faythe Levine, from the series "Time Outside of Time," 2010–ongoing. Photograph, 22 x16 inches.
Faythe Levine, from the series “Time Outside of Time,” 2010–ongoing. Photograph, 22 x16 inches.

Somehow, we’ve gone a very long time without an exhibition exploring how Riot Grrrl shaped the world. That all changes with Alien She, a traveling exhibition organized by Carnegie Mellon University‘s Miller Gallery that takes a ferocious look back at the movement. It’s hosted at Vox Populi for over a month, beginning tonight and running until April 27, 2014. Among the facets of Alien She: an exhibition tour from 6-6:30, with co-curator Astria Suparak, and opening night live music from 9pm–2am at Johnny Brenda’s (RSVP on Facebook). The impressive roster of artists and materials that coalesced for this show includes Ginger Brooks Takahashi (Pittsburgh), Tammy Rae Carland (Oakland), Miranda July (Los Angeles), Faythe Levine (Milwaukee), Allyson Mitchell (Toronto), L.J. Roberts (Brooklyn), Stephanie Syjuco (San Francisco), the dumba collective, the Riot Grrrl Collection at the Fales Library & Special Collections, NYU, and numerous personal collections.


Some very big news from the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center: PPAC is attempting to put together a destination photo trip to Cuba! As amazing as this sounds, they need lots of help to make it happen. So far, the plans are for a 7 day/ 6 night photo trip in Havana, taking place from January 24 – 30, 2015. The program design includes 6 nights’ accommodation at the Hotel Saratoga Patio Rooms, 3 meals per day, a private English-speaking Cuban national guide throughout the tour, instructors Ron Tarver and Sarah Stolfa, all transportation on an air-conditioned bus, all entrance fees to tour sites, Cuban travel insurance covering medical expenses, and, finally, an exhibition at PPAC of work made in Cuba. The price estimate (before air fare and via) is $5,500. If you’re interested or know someone who is, don’t hesitate to get in touch – they can only continue planning as long as enough people are on board. Please send all inquiries to Josh Brilliant at 

Princeton University’s program in Visual Arts is seeking applicants for a faculty position to teach undergraduate-level courses in photography and related media effective September 1, 2015, at the rank of assistant, associate or full professor. Applications are due June 1, 2014. Among those welcome to apply are senior artists with an extensive national and international exhibition history, as well as junior artists with clear potential and a significant record of achievement. MFA or equivalent professional experience is required. To apply, you’ll need a cover letter, resume, including the names and contact information for three references, 20 still images saved as a PDF of recent work and submit as part of the online application, or supply a link to a website (under Other Document 1), a statement of teaching philosophy (one page maximum, under Other Document 2), and two sample syllabi (under Other Document 3). The position begins fall 2015, and rank is open.

Artist News

The titular image of Bodega's new show, "Plop Fall the Plums." Photo: Bodega Gallery.
The titular image of Bodega’s new show, “Plop Fall the Plums.” Photo: Bodega Gallery.

Bodega has been quiet lately, but now they are back on their game with a new location. Situated at 167 Rivington St. in NYC, their new beginning is marked by Plop Fall the Plums, opening this Sunday March 9. This show features the work of Tomer Aluf, Sam Anderson, Tova Carlin, Rochelle Goldberg, Carlos Reyes, and Chloe Seibert.

Retrospective is about to open a new show by Landon Metz, based on a bizarre homage to Michael Jackson once spotted in a penthouse. Michael Jackson Penthouse, which hitches this memory to Metz’ ongoing color work opens March 15 and runs until April 13, 2014, with the opening reception Saturday March 15, 7-9PM.
