
Today is a banner day for Warholians everywhere: candid conversations with Andy Warhol and original songs by Ultra Violet are being released as a 2-disc collection, bringing the crazed sentiment of the 60’s to life in a sprawling archive. Ultra Violet’s constant recordings of Warhol’s contemporaries were lost to time until November 2013, when Refinersfire began the process of digitizing the 67 reel to reel tapes.
Forget beaches and bonfires, Penn senior Kimberly Schreiber’s summer is all about academe: reconciling identity formation, individualism, and virtual and ephemeral art in China. This is no easy task, given the frequent difficulty for artists in China, and so help from Schreiber’s University of Pennsylvania professors was crucial for getting this off the ground. A West Hartford, Conn. native, Schreiber won a grant from the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships for her work. She is coordinating with Duan Yundong, an associate professor in the Fine Arts School at Southwest University in Chongquing, China, as well as a visiting scholar at Penn’s Center for Global Communication Studies in the Annenberg School for Communication in 2011.
Gallery Joe is making it easy to get your read on this summer, with a specially-tailored list of artsy literature from their artists to choose from. From Christine Hiebert in Vitamin D2: New Perspectives in Drawing, to Rob Matthews in Walk the Line: The Art of Drawing, to Allyson Strafella in Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology, the selections are both entertaining and instructive.
Cats: the Viral Image (working title, and a good one at that) is an upcoming show curated by Belinda Haikes of AIGA SPACE Gallery. It’s open season: works that engage technology, internet culture, meme culture and low tech hybrids, everything from GIFs to videos to cat pillows is fair game. All work can be for sale. Proposals are due October 15 to this email Please send a jpg image no larger than 1200 px, and 150 words along with your contact information for consideration. SPACE plans on producing a PDF catalogue, and artists get their own a digital copy. Currently, the show is scheduled for very early 2015.
It’s about to be the most Lynchian time of year at PhilaMOCA. Eraserhood Forever is returning, the call for proposals is out, and interested artists have time to get their ideas together for one of our youngest favorite art events.
iMPeRFeCT Gallery has opened a new call for all artists who work or live in Germantown. Interested applicants can submit one piece of their own choosing to be included in the show; your works must be ready to hang and not exceed 36″ in any direction (including frame), although some exceptions can be made based on space and curatorial discretion. Apply by September 3, along with a $20 application fee. All included artists must sign a waiver and all sales are split 50/50, although artwork DOES NOT have to be for sale. The drop-off times are Sunday, Sept. 7 1 – 4pm, Monday, Sept 8 3 – 7pm or by appointment. Pick-up times are Monday, Oct. 6 3 – 7pm or by appointment. Contact Renny at for more information.
Artist News

“Ambulance Blues,” curated by Erin Falls and presented by Retrospective Gallery in collaboration with Basilica Hudson in Hudson, NY is a show featuring an abundance of talent. You’ll find work by Polly Apfelbaum, as well as Rey Akdogan, Uri Aran, Donald Baechler, Milano Chow, Peter Coffin, Ann Craven, Sam Falls, Deborah Falls, Jack Goldstein, Elias Hansen, Marc Hundley, Mirabelle Marden, Nancy Shaver, Matt Sheridan Smith, Jordan Wolfson, and Joe Zorrilla, with performances by Mick Barr and Heart of Gold. This one opened August 2 and runs until August 18, 2014; gallery hours are Friday through Sunday from 12-5 PM and open by appointment (

Ron Klein is having a show of his recent sculptures at Rochester Contemporary Art Center, which opened August 1; it’s up until September 27.