
Live Comments – October Grand opening of CruxSpace

First Friday, Oct. 3, 2014, saw the grand opening of CruxSpace, a new media gallery, near Girard and 7th St. I stopped by before the official opening while the gallery was documenting the show and attending to last minute details and collected some Live Comments and photos.  The audio is brief (4 minutes) and features Ashley John Pigford, Katherine Bennett, and Andrew Cameron Zahn.

Audio Player
man walking in gallery
CruxSpace, Andrew Cameron Zahn and Katherine Bennett preparing for the grand opening, Oct. 3, 2014
sculpture on pedestal
Ashley John Pigford’s robotic piece which scans websites for key words and when it finds them activates small electric fan to blow ping pong ball in water dish.
people in gallery
Preparing for the opening at CruxSpace.
installation on wall and floor
Katherine Bennett, The Depository, hotline for leaving commentary, which is fed into wall installation of mini-cocoons.

2014-10-03 17.43.39
