(Today we make an announcement! Our dear Libby has announced her retirement. She is on to other things and while we are sad, we are so very thankful for all her energy, ideas, right on commentary and leadership of The Artblog! Help us celebrate Libby — we think she may get a Liberta Award this year. Give this post a “Like” and put a comment on the PhillyArtblog Facebook page. –the Artblog editors)
One of the two founders of the internationally recognized Philadelphia art review publication The Artblog announced her retirement from daily operations Oct. 11, 2014.
Artist and writer Libby Rosof will continue to serve as an active member of the Board of Directors. In that role she will focus on The Artblog website redesign project, a re-imagining of the publication, to showcase its innovative content and add new features for people interested in Philadelphia’s Contemporary art scene. The redesign will launch in 2015.

Rosof, who launched The Artblog in 2003 with her friend and collaborator, Roberta Fallon, said, “I’ve decided it’s time for me to focus on family and friends, but I’m still working on making Artblog even more effective in supporting Philadelphia’s art community.”
The Artblog will continue publication under Roberta Fallon, editor and director of the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
At their regular quarterly Board meeting Nov. 19, 2014, The Artblog voted on a resolution honoring Rosof for her service and achievements, which have helped to lift the Philadelphia art community and broadcast its excellence to the world. (See text of resolution below)
Board Member Katie Adams, who is co-chair of The Artblog party to honor Rosof next month, said “Libby is one of the first people I met when I moved to Philadelphia. Her warmth and sense of humor were very welcoming to a newcomer. And her passion to make the world sit up and take notice of Philadelphia art and artists is inspirational.”
A number of artists expressed their gratitude for Rosof’s vigorous championing of the local art scene. Austin Lee, former Philadelphia artist now based in New York, said: “Libby helped connect a lot of artists in Philadelphia with her writing. The Artblog became a hub for me to see what was happening in the area. I learned about some of my favorite artists and friends through TheArtblog website and still keep in touch or follow many of them.”
Long-time friend of Rosof’s, artist Diane Burko, said: “I know Libby from undergrad at Skidmore and I remember Freshman Convocation when she was pointed out as one of the students with the highest grade point average. I was intimidated! Fast forward, and Libby has ideally combined all her skills — her critical skills, her verbal and artistic skills. Now, Libby is once again evolving into other areas of significance as a grandparent and mentor. It’s a great full circle.”
Penning a poem for Libby, Philadelphia artist and St. Claire magazine editor, Matt Kalasky, wrote:
“On this day that Libby retires
It’s my hope that all the artists conspire
To remember the time, the love and the words that she gave
Making our art and our city feel less like a cave.”
The Artblog has published more than 6,000 articles over the last eleven years, or, an average of 550+ articles per year. Rosof contributed more than 1,700 articles during her tenure and, with Fallon, helped grow The Artblog into a go-to publication read around the world and cited for excellence twice by Art in America.
Honoring Libby Rosof for her outstanding service to The Artblog
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof, co-founder of The Artblog, retired from active daily operations on October 11, 2014, but will continue to serve as an active Board member; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof helped create, steer and manage The Artblog for more than 11 years; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof provided outstanding service to The Artblog since before 2003, and helped transition The Artblog to 501(c)(3) status; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof served as CEO and Treasurer of the Board of The Artblog and as co-editor of the online publication, theartblog.org; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof wrote more than 1,700 insightful and passionate articles for The Artblog; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof chaired the Fundraising Committee through a successful direct mail appeal and series of fundraising events during the Decade of Artblog; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof provided excellent leadership and service to The Artblog including the execution of successful foundation grant proposals; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof provided service to the Philadelphia art community by co-teaching classes, giving lectures and mentoring the next generation of artists, writers and arts entrepreneurs in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, Libby Rosof has earned the admiration and respect of artists and colleagues in Philadelphia for her dedication, collegiality, enthusiasm, professionalism, sense of humor and hard work;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED that The Board takes great pleasure in recognizing the significant professional achievements of Libby Rosof, and herewith expresses its sincere gratitude for the invaluable contributions she has made to The Artblog and looks forward to her continued participation as a Board member.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the permanent minutes of the Board and that copies be sent to Libby Rosof to share with her family; to Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter; and to other appropriate members of the Philadelphia community.
Adopted by The Directors of the Board of The Artblog on November 19, 2014.
Roberta Fallon, President
Larry Guy, Treasurer
Gilda Kramer, Secretary
Katie Adams, Member
Christopher Paquette, Member
More about Libby Rosof
Libby credits her husband Murray Dubin and children Alex and Minna for making her take popular culture seriously. As for the art, she gave it up in the 10th grade in Brooklyn. She wouldn’t have spent so many years on art or spent all her time writing for the Artblog if not for her good buddy and long-time collaborator Roberta–it’s all her fault. Libby founded the award-winning publication the Penn Current at the University of Pennsylvania, and she has taught in public school, the Journalism Department at Temple University and at Tyler School of Art.
More about The Artblog
The Artblog is an independent online magazine that fosters dialog and community through commentary and discussion about art and culture. Our goal, which we achieve through our publications and educational programs, is to focus primarily on the Philadelphia region and to educate our community about the importance of art to civil society. We aim especially to raise the profile of marginalized artists – the young, minorities and women — who have been left out of the conversation. We believe that discussion about issues of beauty, truth, value and power in the context of art will make the world a better place.