Since everyone is getting to wherever they’re going for this year’s festivities, this week’s news roundup will be short and sweet. To all our friends and readers: enjoy your holidays!

The Print Center is hitting the big one in 2015, turning 100 with pride. Their Centennial year is bringing in a new website dedicated to their rich history, featuring a multi-media timeline, events, images and personal stories drawn from the archives and submissions. There’s going to be a full-blown celebration with exhibitions, projects with partners across the city and a gala, so keep tabs on upcoming Print Center news to see how it’s all going.
By far the best holiday swag on our agenda this year comes from our friends at Hidden City. Having literally just opened to the world, their online shop, Hidden City Mercantile has all the Philly-themed handcrafted items you could ever hope to find, along with photographs, vintage curiosities and memorabilia. An easy way to be the history-savviest last-minute gifter around!
The Pennsylvania Convention Center is seeking artwork for their recent expansion, promising $1.3 million to spend on numerous artworks. This opportunity is open to artists living in Pennsylvania and closes on March 2, 2014, with no application fee, so if you have any questions, please email Seth Poppy with the PCA at or Tara Waltenbaugh with the PCCA at
Artist News

Moyra Davey‘s “Staying on Hue” is featured in a special Mousse issue dedicated to words written by artists, including essays, articles, poetry, scripts, drafts, letters, telegrams, notes and footnotes, and text-based artworks. A very cool production.