
The concept of a “memory palace,” a type of visual mnemonic, goes back to the days of the Greeks and the Romans. Cedar Crest College’s new show Memory Palace, an exhibition of sculpture, painting, and video, showcases work by Jarrod Beck, Tiffany Calvert, and Barb Smith. As one might surmise from the show’s name, these three artists have been selected to address the failure of memory and its relationship with the physical world. Their examinations are supplemented by an artist reception on Thursday, February 19 from 6:15 – 7:45 p.m (refreshments served), and a discussion of the artists’ practices. All events are free and open to the public.
Mark your calendars for the Institute of Contemporary Art’s 2015 Benefit, held on April 19 beginning at 6:30 PM. Co-chaired by Pamela Toub Berkman & David J. Berkman and Marjorie Esterow Levine & Michael J. Levine, wth guest speaker Amy Gutmann, President, University of Pennsylvania, the show features a benefit print by Nicole Eisenman and the decor and stylings of Alex Da Corte.
The Institut des hautes etudes en arts plastiques (Iheap), currently based in Paris, is launching operations in New York City in fall of this year. Iheap, the educational branch of the Biennale de Paris, is seeking applicants for a French Post-Diploma, which is research-based and usually given after a Masters or in parallel with a PhD. The course of study is completed in two years. The first year is composed of work sessions that mix practice and theory, the second year is dedicated to the creation of an activity report and a project to demonstrate the development of the participant’s research, and, complimentary with other degrees, it is possible to be enrolled in another course of study while attending Iheap. Eligible candidates are not, however, required to hold a prior degree. The application fee is $70, and tuition is $9000 Dollars for two years of study. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2015.