
Sara Reisman, who’s previously curated all over the world including at the Institute of Contemporary Art, is unveiling a show at The Boiler. Presenting the work of second-year MFA candidates from the Pratt Institute, Signs of Life: in and out of time and place runs April 10-24, 2015, with an opening Friday, April 10, 7-9 PM.
via Lindsay Thompson – New gallery alert: there’s a new space in Old City, located at 138 N 3rd St. FRMD, which, you might guess, was once an old frame shop, is now being remodeled into a gallery/studio space for upcoming artists. They’re now preparing for their first First Friday in a this upcoming April 3, so you won’t miss them if you’re out!
In bizarre and sad news, a fire the other night destroyed the building that housed the Fire Island Artist Residency (FIAR), which hosts lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer-identified artists on Long Island every summer. The destruction of the Holly House hotel and Ice Palace bar, in which two firefighters reportedly suffered minor injuries, does not spell the end of the residency in spite of the losses. Founded by Chris Bogia and Evan J. Garza in 2011, FIAR hosted artists Travis Boyer, Ryan Brewer, Elijah Burgher, A.K. Burns, and Katherine Hubbard in its initial year, Bogia confirmed that they are continuing as planned. Good on them.
Autodesk’s Pier 9 workshop on the San Francisco Bay is calling for artists, designers, and other professionals for partnerships. Their program entails pairs of leading designers, architects, roboticists, craftspeople and experts as they develop creative communities like, the Pier 9 Artists in Residence Program and key partnerships in industry and academia. Autodesk is seeking proposals from teams for an outdoor installation to be designed and fabricated at the Pier 9 workshop and sited on the San Francisco Embarcadero between Piers 9 and 15. “The Future of Making Things.” The submission deadline is April 17, 2015; the Semifinalist interviews: are April 22–April 24, 2015; the Proposal selection date: May 1, 2015; and the Installation completion date: November 2015. For more information about the location, logistics, expectations and support for this project, please see the full call available here. Proposals may be submitted online via Slideroom here. The full announcement for the Edge Condition project is available here.
The Workshop Residence Annual Residency Competition is calling for entries for their second Annual Residency Competition, deadline May 1. Juried by a panel of art and design professionals, the winning proposal means the artist gets to work with the program to develop the proposed products to be sold in the Workshop Residence store, as well as travel funds, a $2,000 honoraria, up to $5,000 in project budget, use of the large studio/workshop and adjacent apartment, and shared revenue from the sale of their collection. Applying artists are encouraged to visit Workshop Residence during open hours, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10am to 6pm. There are no geographic eligibility requirements, and they also encourage non-California residents to apply and to review our website, past projects and the Competition FAQs.
Artist News

Lynda Benglis is having an installation at Storm King from May 16, 2015 – Nov 1, 2015. Lynda Benglis: Water Sources includes works dating from 1974 to today, and range in scale from 24 feet tall to two and a half feet tall, and will be installed on Museum Hill, with smaller works on the museum’s patio. Two other bronze works installed close to Storm King’s main entrance will greet arriving visitors.
Jennie Thwing is having an Open Studio at her place in Long Island City from May 13 – 17, 2015! Additionally, she’s doing the Muriwai Earthskin Artist Residency from August 1 – 30, 2015 in Muriwae New Zealand.

Aspen Mays, who was part of a show at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center a few years back, is part of Tales from a Dark Room at the New Mexico Museum of Art, which runs until April 19.