
UPDATE on Artblog’s Artist and Social Responsibility (ASR) – Meet the teacher!

The ASR class is a success! We are doing it! But we need your help to keep this project operational for the rest of the year and beyond. Our Indiegogo appeal is one week old!  Thanks to our supporters, we are almost 20% of the way to our goal!  If you care about this project — which unites Philadelphia youth from all over the city to study art and its social impacts and responsibilities — please join our campaign!

Click here to see a great video about ASR and to make a contribution.
Thank You!

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Artist and Social Responsibility (ASR) Instructor, Theresa Rose Thompson!

Drumroll Please – Introducing the ASR Instructor, Theresa Rose Thompson!

Theresa is a dynamic presence in the classroom, interacting with all the students and making them comfortable while at the same time challenging them to think outside the box and contribute to the group’s discussions about art. Theresa is a graduate of Tyler School of Art (BA) and Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (MFA) and the founder of Philly Stake, a micro-granting organization that hosts meals where attendees contribute the price of a meal and vote that night on who gets the pool of money raised for their worthy cause. Since September 2010 Philly Stake has distributed $15,350 to 21 projects! Theresa also was the Public Art Project Manager for the Percent For Art Program of the City of Philadelphia and Visual Arts Program Director for FringeArts.

teacher in classroom
Theresa Rose with the Artist and Social Responsibility (ASR) class at the Village of Arts and Humanities.