[Dear readers, we are publishing the essays of the 16 finalists in the New Art Writing Challenge Contest on Artblog and the St. Claire! Today, we publish the finalists in the category of “500 words or less“. Thanks to all those who participated and submitted more than 70 articles. And thanks to our jurors — Hrag Vartanian, Abigail Satinsky, and Nell McClister–who picked the winners. We are energized by all the wonderful writing that was submitted, and know you will enjoy reading it! — the Artblog editors]
Finalists in category: 500 words or less
NUTS: Never Underestimate The Spirit
By Jayna Anderson

Leoppy, while stepping away from Shampoo’s face: “Take off your pants and shake out that diamond.” She wants to see his stringy black hole shake the diamond he hides up there. She wants to touch it.
Shampoo unbuckles his thick leather belt and pulls his pants down. Kicking them aside, he lunges forward and starts to arch his back like a cat. Up and down he arches his back, loosening his joints while howling and panting at the site of Leoppy. He shakes his ass as viciously as possible, opening up his butt hole with every movement.
Leoppy expels a large crackling fart onto Shampoo’s face.
Shampoo smokes her asshole expulsion through his nostrils. He feels the quick little cracks escape from her tight asshole that causes a slight flutter in her panties. His body shudders as he releases all of his appreciation. The diamond comes flying out of his asshole and skids across the floor.
The ritual has begun.
Jayna Anderson (b. 1991) is a Philadelphia-based artist that uses pornographic content to consume and reevaluate the perceptions of her as a sexual object. When she is not watching porn, she is reading, writing, playing online games, cuddling her kitty or drinking an ice-cold Coors Light. She is a member of Pussy Power, an Intersectional Feminist group dedicated to providing safe spaces for women to express themselves. Respect the Pussy!