
The Artblog Reader Advisor

This weekend on the Reader Advisor: Damn the man, save the empire! Or something like that. -- Artblog editor


Donald Trump
Image courtesy of peekasso.

Hello everyone and welcome to the group critique:

[Presenter One via Tumblr]
“Sometimes you just need an anti-capital psychedelic skull .gif to get through a day. I would be interested to see more Minion-centric pieces.”

[Presenter Two via Gawker]
“This performance worked for me on a lot of different levels. Conceptually, of course, I liked the metaphor of a small child (the future) taking a literal shit in what is, in my mind, the neo-conservative gothic cathedral: the superstore. It is a powerful act of protest and human (in)dignity. Performance-wise, you can tell that this isn’t this performer’s first performance. His timing and body language accentuate his irreverent yet delicate character, which demands to be recognized. Add to that the dramaturgy of the second customer and I’m just going to put it out there that I liked this piece. And also, I wanted to say one thing about the mediation of the camera lens and its relationship to the post-modern ‘eye’…”

[Presenter Three via The Daily Buzz]
“It’s like last week when we talked about the power of images vs. the power of words. I remember what Sarah said but I still don’t see how you can compare the two.”

[Presenter Four via The Poke]
“But that brings up a good question: who is the real author of the piece?”
