Dear people, here are some activities that are very worth your while. Consider getting out there and doing one or more of them–an art event might make your day a little lighter. You never know until you try it.
Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, 6PM, Strange Circulations: Artist-Driven Publications, featuring panelists Beth Heinly, Luis Felipe Ortega and Alexis Salas, Moderated by Carolyn Chernoff, Moore College of Art and Design, Stewart Auditorium. Free. Register here:

Friday, Oct. 30, 2015, 4PM-6PM Tim Belknap’s, solo exhibition, Fried at University of the Arts Sculpture Gallery, Basement, Hamilton Hall, 320 S. Broad St. at Pine Street.
Monday, Nov. 2, 7:30PM Peripheral Knowledge: Session 3:Repetition and Control, Art/Assembly @ High Tide Featuring talks by Nike Desis and J. Louise Makary, High Tide, 1850 Hope st, Apt 14A