
Lee Tusman on “Room 21” Performance at the Barnes

Roberta speaks with curator extraodinaire Lee Tusman about his latest project, "Room 21," taking place FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 9, 2016, at the Barnes as part of the Fringe Festival – Artblog Editor

Lee Tusman has curated up a storm at many places in Philadelphia (e.g., Little Berlin, Hidden City and elsewhere). Now, he’s got a really great-sounding one-night-only performance–Room 21–he’s organized in collaboration with Ars Nova and DJ Jace Clayton and the Prometheus Chamber Orchestra. I talked with Lee about the musical performance — FRIDAY, September 9 at the Barnes Foundation, and asked why it’s at the Barnes and is Room 21 one of the Barnes gallery rooms. Take a listen and see! Then rush out and get tickets (here: $10/$8 for Barnes members)

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Artblog LeeTusman TGMR interview

Barnes Foundation room with African artifacts
Room at the Barnes with African artifacts and Western art.

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore radio project. Listen to the Lee Tusman’s interview at the TGMR site here.
