And the winners are…
Many submitted, but only 12 were selected as finalists for the Artblog/St. Claire 2016 New Art Writing Challenge! Keep your eye out for all of the winning articles–we’ll be publishing one a day starting soon. From the Colored Girls Museum to the Mormon Tabernacle, you’ll find something to love from these great Philly-centric pieces of writing.
What are the merits and limitations of an art writing competition? – Essays by Hammam Aldourri and Matt Kalasky
Taking a zoomed out perspective on the competition, essayist Hammam Aldourri and St. Claire co-founder Matt Kalasky offer contrasting perspectives on why art criticism matters, how best to encourage and nurture its creation, and the structural pros and cons of the competition format.
First look at the new National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. – Michael Lieberman
Newly opened and highly anticipated, the museum seeks to “understand American history through the lens of the African American experience.” Michael gives us his thoughts on the monumental museum and the interactive, immersive exhibits within.
A podcast with “We Are Watching,” putting rape-culture awareness installations on UPenn’s campus – Roberta
“This is what rape culture looks like.” That phrase has dotted flyers all over UPenn’s campus recently, addressing offensive emails sent in relation to the event “Wild Wednesday.” Roberta interviews two young women involved, revealing their intentions and aspirations for the group.