
Talking beautiful wrecks and House Gallery with Michelle Marcuse

Artist and House Gallery co-director Michelle Marcuse's Fleisher Challenge exhibit at Fleisher Art Memorial on Catharine Street closes tomorrow (Nov. 12). We hope you can stop in to see the work in person. Artblog contributor A.M. Weaver covered the show for us. Link to A.M.'s review is below in this post. - Artblog Editor

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Michelle Marcuse
Michelle Marcuse, artist and co-founder, House Gallery

Michelle Marcuse flirted with sculpture-making for a long while, but only when she started channeling her memories of childhood in suburban Capetown, South Africa, did she find her 3D voice. Marcuse, who along with her partner, Henry Bermudez, runs House Gallery also found her materials — recycled cardboard, glue — and an aesthetic that is primal and playful, combining both pieces of her childhood experience. In this 34-minute interview she talks about coming to sculpture and her memories of childhood that triggered the change in her art practice. Fleisher Challenge link. A.M. Weaver’s post on Marcuse’s Fleisher Challenge show.

Michelle Marcuse, Shadow OVercome by Memory (foreground), No Logic in Line (background).
Michelle Marcuse, Shadow OVercome by Memory (foreground), No Logic in Line (background).

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore radio project. Listen to the interview with Michelle Marcuse at the TGMR site here.
