
Lane Speidel on Fantasy, Empathy and Curating Trans Performance

Artblog’s Imani Roach spoke with artist Lane Speidel about their experiences as an early childhood educator and curator of Make A Space For Me, a performance series for trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming artists, makers, thinkers and audiences. In their own artistic practice, Lane uses performance to re-establishing control over their body in the face of personal trauma and the daily demands of life under capitalism. Across all platforms of their work, safety is a paramount concern— proper grammar, less so. Find out why! Imani interviewed Lane at Moore College of Art and Design's TGMR radio station on Sept. 21st, 2017; the podcast is 50 minutes long.

Lane Speidel
Lane Speidel, curator, educator and performance artist.

For documentation of past Make A Space For Me events, or to see other examples of Lane’s work, visit Lane’s website or follow them on instagram @pantoparty

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore TGMR radio project.
