Maggie Lily/Malachi Lily is fast becoming one of the busiest and most versatile denizens of Philadelphia’s underground arts community. Not only does this recent UArts Poetry/Illustration graduate write, model and take commissions for cut paper artworks, but they also curate and produce events that center queer and black joy. Take, for example, “Gaudlike,” an exhibition they recently organized at the Indy Hall coworking space, which grew from a love of dress-up and collectivite expression. Here Malachi describes their affinity for fairytale creatures and their unique leadership style. Have humans always been furries? Listen to find out. Imani interviewed Malachi at Moore College of Art and Design’s TGMR radio station on September 26, 2018; the podcast is 34 minutes long.
Visit Malachi’s website to read their poetry, view their visual art, or find out more about Our Black Arts Festival. On instagram, follow @hawkmothevents to stay up on Malachi’s curatorial projects or @theholyhawkmoth for their personal work.
Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore TGMR radio project.