
Artists in the time of Coronavirus, an ongoing virtual exhibition, Part 9

Here it is, our ninth edition of our open call, non-juried, online exhibition entitled "Artists in the time of Coronavirus!" We have gotten nearly 200 submissions, so if you haven't seen yours yet, don't worry- it is coming! If you want to participate, send your statement (250 words max) and 2 photos to

Our ninth post of the series, Artists in the Time of Coronavirus includes Dave Pettengill, Brooke Steytler, Kathy Robinson Batik, Diane Roberts Rogers, Ed Wheeler, and Ruth Wolf! Thank you for all who submitted! And if you want to participate, send your statement (250 words max) and 2 photos to More details here. Stay safe and stay positive, and come back in the days to come for more “Artists in the Time of Coronavirus.” We have a wonderful community and are so proud of being able to share everyone’s art. (We have gotten nearly 200 submissions, so if you haven’t seen yours yet, don’t worry- it is coming, and we can’t wait to post it!)

Dave Pettengill

White canvas with a google maps-esque marker painted on it in red.
Dave Pettengill, “Landscape Painting”. Acrylic on panel. 17″ x 14″. 2020 Courtesy Dave Pettengill.
Pink collection of spheres representing cells painted on cardboard
Dave Pettengill, “Proliferate”. Acrylic and cardboard on panel. 24″ x 24″. 2020. Courtesy Dave Pettengill.

My name is Dave Pettengill, and I am an artist living and working in Philadelphia. I received my masters from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. My work is modular by nature and changes subject matter and concepts, materials styles and modes regularly in order to fit it’s task. My work ranges from street art, to painting, from photography to sculpture and installation. It often deals with overlapping and multilayered topics that provide a multitude of possible avenues of exploration. Our ongoing crisis with the Coronavirus and quarantine is a pertinent example of one such topic that my work seeks to engage. The pandemic has created a strange and unique atmosphere in which all people find themselves together in unknown territory. The pandemic is affecting us on a massive scale and we are all searching for ways to understand and deal with its effects. These effects range from the personal to the communal and we try and make sense of them through a variety of lenses, including the economic, environmental, scientific, the humorous, supportive and creative. In a world increasingly divided, our current circumstance has given us reason to pause and examine what is important, what binds us, and what we can learn from subjects that can upend and change our lives in ways we have yet to understand. Knowing how to deal with new challenges will take the building of new pathways and connections and the creation of communities from unlikely allies. We are fortunate in some respects to be living in a time where these kinds of connections can be made quickly and meaningfully. Thank you to the Art Blog for continuing to support artists and giving this platform for voices at a time when people are open and have time to consider these voices.

Instagram – @dsp1_a3
Website –

Brooke Steytler

Comic drawing on a white background. On the left is an old man holding a bag of cash with a thought bubble that says "Please self-quarantine so I don't get sick and die" and on the right is a little girl with braids holding one coin with a thought bubble that says "You messed up my planet"
Cartoon by Brooke Steytler. Courtesy Brooke Steytler.
Newspaper with the headline "WOLF: STAY HOME" and "Pennsylvania becomes the eighth state to shutter schools. Parkway museums close as the region's response escalates." On top, a child-like drawing of a person and the words "I love you" with a heart and "thank you for reaching me art =)"
Photo courtesy Brooke Steytler.

I’ve been teaching cartooning and animation at Community Arts Phoenixville,
(in Phoenixville.) I had one class left in my winter session for Saturday, March
14 and we decided to go with it. I thought most if not all of the kids wouldn’t show
but was happy when 7 out of 8 did! Each of the kids are amazing and
talented in their own way and I was gratified when one of the kids, Natalie,
made a special drawing for me.

Having taught and interacted with kids over the past 20 years, I have gotten
the vibe from many of resentment that they are inheriting a damaged world.
This inspired the cartoon submitted. It seems likely that the spring session at Community Arts won’t be held but I’m hoping the summer camp may still yet
run and of course the fall session this October.

Just some background info on me: I’ve taught art, particularly cartooning and
animation for 30 years at various schools and institutions. I’m a graduate of
CalArts and an exhibitor at the Bridgette Mayer Gallery. I’m including the link to my youtube channel which more of my work and also some of my students

Kathy Robinson Batik

Watercolor painting of flowers and blobs of color
Painting by Kathy Robinson Batik. Courtesy Kathy Robinson Batik.
Abstract painting of blobs of color
Painting by Kathy Robinson Batik. Courtesy Kathy Robinson Batik.

Hi – I’m s silk painter and mixed media artist working out of my home based studios in Mount Airy. I feel blessed to have both studios in my house , but , shows that I have been getting ready for and galleries and Museum shop that carry my work are all on hold . I also work with a nonprofit teaching art and mural making in a Philly school program that is now shutdown . The photos I sent are #1 silk chiffon handpainted scarves in process
#2 mixed media painting on canvas of flower fields.
Instagram :@drawntothewax
Facebook page: Kathyrobinsonbatiks

Diane Roberts Rogers

Graphite drawing of a woman with long hair with a butterfly next to her ear
Diane Roberts Rogers, Transformation, graphite and colored pencil. Courtesy Diane Roberts Rogers.
Graphite drawing of a woman with aqua colored hair with her chin on her arms facing the left end of the paper
Drawing by Diane Roberts Rogers. Aqua, graphite, Colored Pencil, ink. Courtesy Diane Roberts Rogers.

I am a portrait artist, and director of a nonprofit community art center in southern NJ. I just installed exhibits but had to cancel our monthly opening reception on friday, the first time in 19 years. Now, the center is closed.

I’m now home, with time to make my own art, but can’t wait until I can go back to supporting all my member artists at the center.

Thanks for doing this online exhibit!

Ed Wheeler

Painterly image of Santa Clause laying on his back on a futon and his head overstretched over the edge of the futon. There is a devilish little figure sitting on his stomach.
By Ed Wheeler. Inspired by Henry Fuseli – The Nightmare
Painterly image of Santa Claus pointing at the viewer on an off-white background with red white and blue borders. His face is in the style of "Uncle Sam." Text says "I WANT YOU FOR U.S. ARMY NEAREST RECRUITING STATION"
By Ed Wheeler. Inspired by James Montgomery Flagg – Uncle Sam Wants You

Like most people in the city, I am staying in and staying safe. This has given me more time at the computer to work on my Santa Classics collection. In a series of self-portraits, dressed as Santa, I digitally enter into the great masterworks of art, with humor and reverence for the originals. My intent is to pay homage to those original paintings while offering art lovers an additional reason to smile. I have been a professional photographer for over 40 years. The Santa Classics is one of the projects I have used to keep myself grounded in the arts. These works have been exhibited in Rome, Moscow and Hong Kong as well as museums around the country.

Fuseli”s The Nightmare represents the fears that we are all experiencing. Flagg’s Uncle Sam Wants You represents our need to join together and keep everyone safe.


Ruth Wolf

Painting with a red background with adult figures painted in various colors like purple and green holding children. The male-like figures are hitting or holding the children aggressively while the female-like characters are nurturing the children.
Ruth Wolf, The Child and the Silence, Studio shot, work in process. Courtesy Ruth Wolf.
Gallery view of two paintings on a wall that are large and colorful and contain figures.
Ruth Wolf, The Child and the Silence & Red Rain. Courtesy Ruth Wolf.

I am reworking 2 large 5’ x 8’ canvases for the past week. They were put aside years ago, incomplete statements which never left my thoughts.

Their underlying theme – fear and manipulation.
These thoughts, painting came to the front of my head. I picked up the brush, counted from 5 backwards, and went to work. Remember it is the artists who have always put image to concept.


from 1984 —-
“… there will be no art, no literature, no science. When we [Big Brother] are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness …..”

Be well. Be careful.
