Artblogians, have you had a moment to breathe yet? (I almost finished that sentence with “during this wild time” but I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve typed that phrase and Groundhog Day isn’t until next week.) We hope you’re taking care of yourself, whether that means starting a new project that you’re excited about or binging a new TV show that you love. And we hope that you did not have a vaccine scheduled with Philly Fighting Covid.
Today we have a short list of announcements, opportunities, and posts in the pipeline. We have been doing a lot of thinking, writing, and planning about the future and we are so excited to share our work with you in 2021!
Artblog Contributor Logan Cryer will begin hosting select episodes of Artblog Radio
We know you’re as excited about this as we are! We won’t spoil who the first interview is with, but we will say you’re in for a great episode. If you haven’t already, check out Logan‘s previous Artblog posts.
Join Artblog at the 2021 Digital Rally for Philly Arts, February 9, 2021, 2-2:30 PM
In other exciting news, a collective of Philadelphia Arts & Culture leaders* have banded together to put on the second Digital Rally for Philly Arts in order to advocate for arts funding in the new City budget. The event takes place on February 9th & 10th. Artblog Contributor Kemuel Benyehudah will be reading his essay “Reimagine our schools as a school-to-museum pipeline for Black students” on behalf of Artblog on February 9th, 2021, 2-2:30PM. We hope to see you there!
*”Lead organizers include LaNeshe Miller-White, James Jackson, Jose Alicea, Asaki Kuruma, Gabriela Sanchez and Erlina Ortiz”
Artblog holds “Office Hours” at Virtual First Thursday, February 4, 2021, 6:30-8PM

In an effort to build even more meaningful relationships to our writers, stewards, audience, and more, we are holding “Office Hours!” Our first session will be on February 4, 2021, 6:30-8PM during Venture Cafe’s Virtual First Thursday event. Come chat with Morgan and Roberta. Let us know what you’ve been up to, what you hope to see happen for Philly Arts in 2021, and ask us some questions.
Hiring, Director of Storytelling & Digital Strategy – Philadelphia Contemporary
Want to work for a growing cross-disciplinary contemporary art organization?
Do you have a passion for creative strategy, marketing, and communications with a penchant for all things digital?
Do you want to be a part of a diverse multi-disciplinary and collaborative team?We’re looking immediately for a new Director of Storytelling & Digital Strategy! The position is full-time and based in Philadelphia, but our team is currently remote. More details on the job and how to apply
Open Call, TWO Solo Exhibitions – Ortega y Gasset Projects (OyG) – Applications due March 5, 2021
Ortega y Gasset Projects is pleased to announce an Open Call for TWO Solo Exhibitions to open in September of 2021: one in the main gallery space at OyG and one in The Skirt, OyG’s dedicated space for site-specific installations.
Application Deadline: Friday, March 5, 2021, 11:59PM, EST
Both opportunities will include an opening reception on Saturday, September 11, 2021, $500 honorarium for each artist/proposal, and one programmed event (an artist talk or a closing event), and will be promoted on OyG social media outlets.
OyG Co-Directors will work with the artists and make studio visits leading up to the opening of the exhibitions, if possible. The artists are required to fully participate in the exhibitions’ installation and deinstallation. Visual artists of all disciplines and geographic locations are encouraged to apply.
Francis Johnson Fellowships – Applications due March 1, 2021
Calling all performing artists, musicians, actors, visual artists, and other creative scholars and practitioners! America’s oldest cultural institution, the Library Company of Philadelphia welcomes applications for a new grant that seeks to critically and creatively engage our African American history collections.
The newly-launched Francis Johnson Fellowships will support two fellows—one creative practitioner and one academic humanist—who will delve into the compositions of one of the most popular black composers prior to the American Civil War, Francis Johnson.
These fellows will be encouraged to collaborate as they explore a manuscript book of 80 compositions (many unpublished) as well as other printed materials held at both the Library Company and at the Kislak Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Each Francis Johnson Fellow will receive a stipend of $5000 to support research this summer; a $2500 research fund to be defined by the fellow and program director; travel expenses (up to $500); and lodging at the Library Company’s Cassatt House residence for four to eight weeks.
To apply, email a proposal (no more than 1000 words) plus a preliminary budget and timeline, resume or c.v., and one letter of reference to wfenton@librarycompany.org by March 1.
For more information, visit the Francis Johnson Fellowship webpage or email Will Fenton at wfenton@librarycompany.org.
Roberta & Morgan’s second Artblog Radio conversation and check-in
Many of you expressed your enjoyment of our first conversation, so we plan to continue to speak candidly with each other and record and publish it on Artblog Radio! Stay tuned for a new conversation next week!
Logan Cryer’s first Artblog Radio podcast episode
We said it once and we’ll say it again- this will be a great episode. Logan’s a natural at this stuff!