Richard Watson
I caught up with two artist friends, Betty Leacraft and Richard Watson, at Watson’s show at the African American Museum in Philadelphia on a day when the artist gave an enlightening gallery talk about the career-spanning show of his beautiful, complex and politically questioning works. The exhibit, “Portals+Revelations: Richard J. Watson Beyond Realities” is up until March 6, 2022. Timed tickets required. Highly recommended for the depth and breadth of subject matter from portraits of those dear to him, to altars of spiritual questing and assemblages about gun violence. For sheer beauty and inventiveness with materials the show will blow you away. This under-known artist, who confessed at his talk that by his teens he wanted to be “a preacher or a painter,” is one you should know. Do not miss this opportunity to awaken to the art of Richard Watson.
Taji Ra’oof Nahl
“Voices and Visionaries” at Cherry Street Pier, organized by Philadelphia Sculptors and up to Jan. 8, 2022, includes one of Artblog’s favorite visionaries, Taji Ra’oof Nahl. Spend some time with the performance video (above) of “GASLIGHT – The new Kabuki Theater,” performed at Cherry Street Pier, in which Taji has rounded up multiple artists and musicians to tell stories via poetry and spoken word and music that add up to a condemnation of the current state of the world. The stories are taken from what Taji calls “the white papers.” His non-linear narrative mentions blockchain and surveillance, editing the human genome, Amazon killing mom and pop businesses, Stockholm syndrome, secret treaties involving the US, Pfizer and other countries, and more. At one point, a procession places a cage with a mirror in it in front of the performers. The cage acts as a prop from which sticks are plucked and replaced, and around which the action and music takes place. Another artist sings and speaks of Pfizer making more money than ever before, and says, also referring to blockchain, “Is your god god, or is your god money? If your god is money your god is always hungry.” Taji and the other artists are making urgent their warnings about a world as they see it, a world beyond repair. Stay with this tortured story and you will also hear about hope in people joined together in spiritual practice.
Rittenhouse Square Fine Art Fair. Applications are now open for our June 2022 show in our beloved Philadelphia! To get more information about the show and to apply, visit our web site.
Powell Lane Arts opens January 6th, 2022 in Collingswood, NJ.
January will not only see the welcoming of a new year but also the introduction to a new art space in the Philadelphia area: Powell Lane Arts. Powell Lane Arts is the creation of the mother-and-daughter team of Carol Taylor-Kearney, a visual artist/teacher/curator, and Caroline Kearney, a musician. Together they hope to connect visual artists, musicians, writers, and the art curious and enthusiast at their boutique. Their stated mission is “#Art4Everyone”. Events will ensue throughout the year. Powell Lane will open its doors on January 6th in Collingswood, New Jersey. Its first program is their Inaugural Winter Invitational, which will have an opening reception on Saturday, January 8th from 3 PM to 6 PM.
For more information, contact:
Caroline Kearney
Powell Lane Arts
6 Powell Lane, Collingswood, NJ 08108
(609) 221 – 6922
Artist Grant provides a $500 USD grant to one visual artist each grant cycle and awards 2nd and 3rd place grants for $100. There are four grant cycles per year. Applications due Jan. 15. Cost to apply is $25. Juried by former grantee Tony Vazquez-Figueroa. (via Cultureworks)
The Russell J. Efros Foundation’s Sprout Fund has opened “to support artists across the nation with direct funds in order to provide financial means to projects that will be completed within the next 12 months. Artists are also encouraged to apply for funds for projects that involve their communities such as art classes, therapy, outreach, and non-traditional projects.” Funds will be prioritized for artists working with marginalized and underserved audiences, topics, or subject matter. Funding is provided on an ongoing, rolling basis. (via Cultureworks)
Interested in buying a home? William Way LGBT Community Center has partnered with TD Bank to host a Path to Home Ownership bootcamp. Sign up now for this January virtual series. Register here. Seminars take place every other Wed. at 7 PM from Jan. 12 – June 15, 2022.