The New Yorker announces new art critic – Jackson Arn
From David Remnick, Editor of the New yorker:
I’m thrilled to share the news that Jackson Arn has joined The New Yorker as our art critic. He’s already done some wonderful work for us, including reviews of a Georgia O’Keeffe show at MOMA, a van Gogh exhibit at the Met, and a new book about the mid-century art scene that flourished just around the corner from the office. I’m so pleased that he’s officially joining us in this important role.Originally from Arizona, Jackson has written for Art in America, The Drift, Artforum, and The Nation, among other publications. On weekends, he tells me that he can be found at Film Forum (two seats behind me) or at a Union Square chessboard.
Please join me in welcoming Jackson to The New Yorker.
NOTABLE EXHIBITIONS (Get more listings at Artblog Connect, your Philly Gallery Guide!)
September 1, 2023 and ongoing
Chestnut Hill Skyspace (by James Turrell) opens its Fall hours.
If you haven’t been, go. It’s heavenly.
NOTABLE EVENTS (Get more listings at Artblog Connect, your Philly Gallery Guide!)
September 7, 6-8 pm, Moore College of Art and Design
Artblog Auction and 20th Birthday Celebration!
TicketsMore than 72 pieces of art on view from fabulous artists! Light snacks and beverages. Cake, too! All this, plus the joy of celebrating our 20-year project, can be yours. Join us for the art, stay for the camaraderie and happiness .See you there!
September 16, 6-10pm, Atelier Art Gallery
Fjord’s 10th Anniversary Auction and fundraiser!
Congratulations to Fjord for 10 years of presenting awesome art in Philadelphia!September 23 and 24, Martha McDonald sings at Wharton Esherick Museum
Tickets and information
Martha McDonald is Artist in Residence at the WEM. Artblog’s Matt Singer covered Martha McDonald’s 2019 performance at Wheaton Arts