
NOSEBLEED Season 2 Chapter 6

Nosebleed Season 2 Chapter 6

45 panel comic entitled “” by Derick Jones, Edited by NM.Scuri.

Click to expand the comic transcript

Panel 1: The two detectives are in a room with family members of people who have been impacted by the special power. A detective starts, “I want to apologize to you all. I know this is the worst situation to be in but…” Panel 2: One of the parents holds up a picture of their son, “I don’t want your apologies! I want answers. Panel 3: The two detectives respond, “We do as well and we’re getting close.” The other adds, “Rest assured whoever did this will be found and dealt with.” Panel 4: The parent screams, “When? How many more children have to die under your watch? Panel 5: The detective responds, “hopefully none…” Panel 6: The detectives are leaving the conference room with a final note, “The second we have news, you’ll be notified.” Panel 7: A young man is secrutily watching the action. Panel 8: The families all leave the room looking down trodden. Panel 9: A hand stops the woman who screamed at the detectives. Panel 10: She looks back anxiously. Panel 11: The young man addresses her, “Aunt Barb…” Panel 12: Barb says, “Homicide looks good on you nephew…” He replies, “Thanks. I owe you so much for the transfer here.” Panel 13: The nephew continues, “I did some digging like you asked…” Panel 14: Barb asks, “And?” Panel 15: Meagerly he says, “If I get caught I’m…” Panel 16: “You won’t,” she assures him. Panel 17: He hands her a flash thumb drive, “Ok. They’re lying.” Panel 18: She stands outside the police station while her nephew goes inside.” Panel 19: There’s a press conference with the Chief of Police, “A string of deaths have rocked this beautiful community. The victims are three teens loved by many of you.” Panel 20: We see watching the press conference and the chief continues, “Family and friends are hurting but we ask you to stay strong now.” Panel 21: We see the chief from the side as he continues, “To not withhold information or strike out on your own in the name of justice.” Panel 22: We see three panels of the pill power at work from previous chapters. Panel 23: The chief continues, “To leave this to us. As your protectors, to bring justice to theses families.” Panel 24: Two images, Tilda Roberts and Reggie Williams are shown. Panel 25: Barb is crying and her husband asks, “What do we do?” Panel 26: She dials on her phone. Panel 27: “Senator I’d like a word.” Panel 28: We now see that they are cremating her son. Panel 29: She’s handed the ashes and we see the dialogue, “Yesterday you asked me what we should do?” Panel 30: She exits and the dialogue continues, “We do what needs to be done.” Panel 31: She’s descending stairs and the two detectives are there to speak with her. One detective starts, “It’s not every day our morgue gets a call from the Senator’s office.” The other detective adds, “We were still analyzing those bodies.” Panel 32: The detective continues, “I understand you’re hurt, but flexing like this just stalled the case.” Panel 33: She wonders, “Do you have children officer?” He corrects her, “Detective, and no I do not.” Panel 34: She gets into her car, “Then you don’t understand a thing, officer.” Panel 35: Barb drives away. Panel 36: Tilda is in the hospital with Gary. “Reggie’s flaking , but that’s ok. I can handle Johhny and Chris on my own.” Panel 37: TIlda continues, “So we can do this for real.” Panel 38: She kisses him. Panel 29: Gary opens his eys. Panel 30: Tilda can’t believe it, “Gary! You’re awake!?” Panel 31: We see their silhouettes as Gary sits up, with the machines beeping frantically. Panel 32: Gary begins choking Tilda. Panel 33: Gary looking deformed and bleeding like he’s on the tablets says, “Who are you really doing this for?” Panel 34: Dark panel.  Panel 35: We see Tilda sitting with a little blood coming from her nose with background talking that’s she’s not paying attention to, “Ah blah blah lah! Blah blah blah.” Panel 34: Tilda is actually sitting between her brothers playing video games. They are still talking to her, “You suck at playing this game.” The other adds, “Yeah Tilda, are you even trying?”

End NOSEBLEED Season 2 Chapter 6

Season 2 – Chapter 12345

Season 1 – Chapter, 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11

