
About that senior xing sign

So here’s some clarification from Anna Conti about things I mentioned in a previous San Francisco gallery-going post.

To wit, and I quote from Conti’s blog entry:

• the guy behind the desk at Gregory Lind Gallery is always testy, but I think he’s sincerely trying to be polite. He’s just not very good at it.
• the Viola Frey sculptures are in the hallway at 77 Geary, between the Heather Marx gallery and the George Krevsky gallery, and just down the hall from the Rena Bransten gallery (which reps Frey.)
• the “senior-xing” sign is next to a senior subsidized housing building. The traffic on Howard Street is so horrendous that the slow-moving residents kept getting mowed down at an alarming rate, so this is part of the civic response.

Thanks, Anna! Over and out.
