
Weekly Update – Lotsa video at Locks

Digital tools are not new to art.  But some artists are fascinated with the way these tools are changing art practices. “alterations,” a group show at Locks Gallery, takes a look at art and technology, and while this might not sound like a laugh-out-loud show to you, the mix of video and installation includes some fun stuff.

Peter Campus Inflections: changes in light and colour around Ponquogue Bay, 2009 high definition multi-screen installation dimensions variable

Curated by video artist Peter Campus, who has previously shown at Locks, the five-person exhibit demonstrates not only how eerie an art mimic technology can be but also how much humor resides in the mash-up between old fashioned “aht” with new-fangled technology.  Campus’ video of a barn has been pixillated almost beyond recognition.  The result?  It resembles a precisionist painting of a barn by Charles Sheeler circa 1925.  What goes around comes around may be the lesson here.  It’s a beautiful image and also raises ideas about the importance of icons and how icons, like the barn, transcend time and media.

jason varone MetaDataPhile17
Jason Varone MetaDataPhile, 2010 wall painting with video projection dimensions variable

Jason Varone’s drawing of a cartoon cloud on the wall includes the addition of a projected image.  The projection makes it seem as if the cloud is raining cartoon rain down the gallery wall. Not quite Disney and yet Disney-sprited, the piece is sweet and will make you smile.  Without a heavy hand, “alterations” will get you thinking about art as a fluid adapter to the world of Tomorrowland.

Read this article at Philadelphia Weekly.

”alterations,” Jan 7-Feb 5.  Opening reception, 5:30-7:30pm. Locks Gallery, 600 S. Washington Square, 215 629 1000.
