
Ink on paper


I was thinking about how art is like letter writing (letter by John Adams to Abagail Adams, 1774) — a quaint activity practiced by few but irrelevant to most — when several things happened. First, I got a check in the mail! Then, while hunting around on the Web, I accidentally Googled up an essay by Suzi Gablik that insists that artists can take charge of their own destiny, and possibly, just possibly become relevant to the way things are. Next day’s mail offered up the invitation to Manna’s 13th Annual “A Show of Hands’ benefit auction on Friday, May 30 (silent auction at 5 pm; live auction at 7:30, Moore College of Art and Design). It reminded me that Philadelphia is full of artists working for change — not only with charities but by participating in communities and by making art that’s approachable (see Libby’s First Friday posts). Maybe, I thought, Philadelphia’s art is becoming more and not less relevant to life. The Show of Hands auction has brought in more than $100,000 a year over the last five years. That’s relevant. Meanwhile, think I’ll try to write a letter this week.
