
Tonight–Paige West at Moore College

Paige West heads the hottest corporate contemporary art collection in the region and maybe the country, the West Collection. She and collection Director Lee Stoetzel are on a panel tonight at Moore College, speaking about the art of collecting. The panel also includes art critic Christian Viveros-Faune, who is also co-director of the commercial art fairs Volta in New York and Next in Chicago. The panel will be moderated by Lorie Mertes, director of The Galleries at Moore!

We know this is short notice, but the panel sounds stellar–we’re going. By the way, West is also the founder of Mixed Greens, an emerging artists organization and gallery in Chelsea.

Tonight’s program at Moore is part of Jenny Jaskey’s Untitled salon series about understanding and collecting contemporary art. Here’s a link to our post about a previous Untitled event.

Stewart Auditorium
Moore College
Untitled: A Forum for Contemporary Art Presents
Conversations with Collectors and Artists: The West Collection
in cooperation with The Galleries at Moore
Tuesday, October 7, 6 – 8pm
Admission is free and open to the public
