
Jayson Musson has a little fun with our new president

Jayson Scott Musson
Jayson Scott Musson, Sisyphus. From his show at Last Drop Coffee House.

Which one makes you laugh? *

  • Barack Obama relieves Sisyphus from his job as rock mover
  • Barack rescues the Last Unicorn from Abu Ghraib
  • Barack uses his ice breath to save the polar ice caps
  • Barack Obama uses his magic tears to give men more staying power
  • Barack saves a kitty!

Jayson Scott Musson
Ice Breath (l) and Not on My Watch (r)

These and more hysterically funny paintings by Jayson Scott Musson are on view at the Last Drop Coffee House. It’s no secret that we at Artblog love this young artist’s works — few are they who risk putting humorous works, political works, borderline scatological works and downright inflammatory works into the public realm.   Jayson does this consistently and hits the mark every time.

Barack saves the last unicorn at Abu Ghraib.
Barack saves the last unicorn at Abu Ghraib.

“Barack Obama Battles the Pink Robots” taps into the current hero worship of our new president and it pokes fun at the whole crazy talk of the “Magic Negro.” Here, not only does Barack have super powers but he transcends time (see him battle Hitler and rescue Jesus from the cross!).

Musson — who works digitally most of the time — here put out some childlike and outsider-like paintings whose bright colors go really well with the more or less stick figures and the hand-lettered quips. The whole thing had the Last Drop’s customers giggling when I was there yesterday.  Several of the works are sold…and no wonder. It’s cheap art at a very fine level.

By the way, Jayson’s got three word art posters in the wonderful show, Rich Text, at Fleisher-Ollman.

Barack Obama Battles the Pink Robots
The Last Drop Coffee House
1300 Pine street
up now for about a month.

* I’m just curious.  It would be fun to research peoples responses to these works.
