
Decade-of-Artblog party pictures!

It’s a gloomy Tuesday and what could be better than some party pictures!

A Big Thank You to everyone who helped with, hosted, and attended our Decade of Artblog fundraising parties! We were delighted to see so many friends and to meet new friends and talk about Artblog and our move into the next decade. Artblog is developing some new features — stay tuned and come back as we roll them out!

Below are a few pictures from the parties we want to share with you.  Again, thanks to all for your support!  Want to help artblog?  Check out our Support page and make a contribution through our PayPal site.

Diane Burko and Richard Ryan told us about their trip to the Arctic Circle on an art and science expedition. Photo courtesy of Diane's blog on her website
At the party Nov. 7 (sorry no pictures!) Diane Burko and Richard Ryan told us about their recent trip to the Arctic Circle on an art and science expedition. Photo courtesy of Diane’s blog –