
Green Bay and Philadelphia

mccutcheonsledsm While we’re on the subject of geography, here’s another midwest and Philadelphia connection. (I’m sorry if this is too much for you but I’m kind of fascinated as you can see…)

Brian McCutcheon, local artist and teacher (Uarts, although he just announced he’s leaving his post after 8 years) sends out periodic email missives about his artistic comings and goings. McCutcheon’s a sculptor and photographer and he roams the planet exhibiting and installing lyrical works rooted in memory, autobiography, humor and the land of scientific what if-ism. If it sounds like I’m a fan, I am. Check out his website for lots of images.


Last month, the artist told us about a piece he made as part of a residency at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. The work’s a frosty-looking sled based on the Flexible Flyer which, McCutcheon says, has a Philadelphia connection. (top image is finished “Sled” and right is sled in the sandblaster, a nice behind the scenes shot. Both photos provided by the artist.)

Here’s an excerpt from his note:

The initial image I had of Green Bay, after having grown up almost directly across Lake Michigan, is that of snow/cold and youth. I decided to try to render this childhood impression with the image of a Flexible Flyer sled – coincidentally invented and manufactured in Philadelphia for over 100 years. I constructed the sled, light fixture and base from clear acrylic sheet and then sandblasted them. There are working fluorescent fixtures in both the base and the body above the sled. The sculpture is now in the collection of the school.

Right now you can see a McCutcheon’s outdoor installation at Evergreen House in Baltimore, part of a ten-person exhibit on the grounds of Johns Hopkins University.
